
  • Heru Budianto Universitas Kuningan
  • Aji Permana Universitas Kuningan
  • Dede Irawan Universitas Kuningan
  • Elsa Syakira Universitas Kuningan
  • Acep Trian Universitas Kuningan


Kata Kunci:

Nangka Village, parenting control, gadget


Gadgets are one of the most widely used technological products, evolving alongside the internet's advancement. Children and even toddlers have used gadgets, in addition to adults. This is due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rapid development of information and technology. Gadgets and the internet as technology products have positive and negative sides. The use of gadgets by children without supervision and regulation from their parents tends to have more negative impacts on children, both in terms of physical and and mental well-being. Weak supervision and regulation of gadget use is present due to a lack of insight into the knowledge and competence of parents regarding parental control. Nangka Village, It is a settlement in Kuningan Regency's Kadugede District, is one of the villages where most of the residents are familiar with and use technology. Parental control is something that is not widely known and understood so there are indications of the negative effects of gadgets on children. Drawing on the results of the data’s analysis and discussion activities, it was found that there was a need for socialization and training on parenting control for parents in Nangka village


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