DOI: Kunci:
competitiveness, small and medium enterprises, crystal coconut sugar, dryer, energy saving, moisture contentAbstrak
The focus of community services activities in the form of PKM (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat) is to provide alternative solutions to the problem of crystal coconut sugar processing in the Sari Manggar Coconut Sugar Group, Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, skills, and product quality in Crystal Coconut Sugar SMEs. The activity phase includes: (1) the preparation stage, (2) the review stage, (3) the technology planning stage, (4) the technology transfer action plan stage, (5) the implementation stage, and (6) the evaluation stage. The results of community service show that an increase in the competitiveness of UMKM Sari Manggar Crystal Coconut Sugar, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province has been carried out in the aspects of increasing knowledge, skills, and product quality (moisture content) in SMEs Crystal Coconut Sugar Sari Manggar, Banyumas Regency, Province Central Java. The application of Biomass Energy Dryer and Waste Heat with Heat Recovery System (BPB-SHR Dryer) at the location strengthens the increase in knowledge, skills and product quality (moisture content) in these SMEs. The results of the CIPP evaluation show that the PKM activities have been carried out very well.
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