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Social Media, Instagram, Health Communication, Dinas Kesehatan, Education ContentAbstrak
Puskesmas, as a Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) under Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang, was responsible for assisting public health in their rural area. Thirty-seven puskesmas in Semarang were also liable to share information about public health on digital media such as Instagram. To improve the performance in digital media, puskesmas need to acknowledge the social media maintenance skill. By collaboration between Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang and Dian Nuswantoro University Communication Studies Program in the field of community service was carried out with teme of producing health communication content in social media. This activity presents two materials: content production in social media and reports. The training activity was held on May 25, 2023, and was attended by 37 participants who were social media managers at Puskesmas in Semarang. The methods in this activity are carried out in three steps: Pre Activity, Activity, and Evaluation. Evaluation results were obtained from the pre-post test and discussion with participants. In the pretest, we concluded that participants had good skills in understanding Instagram features but needed to learn the management and production of digital content. Participants' understanding of reporting needs to be improved because 60% reported practices well. The results of this training post-test showed that more than 90% of the participants felt their understanding had increased about optimizing Instagram media for increased content production and competence in public speaking for reporting on the implementation of puskesmas activity.
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