Kata Kunci:
COVID-19, Masyarakat, Penyuluhan daringAbstrak
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had wide effects to community. Community faced health issues connected to daily live matters such as sanitary, communication, and socialization. Many community members had not get proper information and understanding regarding       COVID-19. Community had a wide diverse of COVID-19’s perception and belief that often made conflicts. Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, and American Corner Universitas Tanjungpura held online COVID-19 health counseling. Counseling held using Zoom and Facebook Live platform from 9 September to 4 November 2020. Eight COVID-19 matters were presented to the audiences during the counseling period. Online COVID-19 counseling made community more well-informed, more aware, and do health protocols better in daily living.Â
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