Kata Kunci:
Sistem Akuntansi Bisnis Laundry, Laporan Keuangan, Pembukuan UMKMAbstrak
Pde Laundry was founded by Mr. Surtaman since 2018 and is still operating until now assisted by 5 employees. This business is located on Jl. Citra Lautan Teduh RT 004 RW 001 No. 2B, Batu Besar, Nongsa, Riau Islands, which operates every day from 07.00 - 17.00 WIB. Pde Laundry provides washing services with a cost of Rp. 7,000 for one kilogram, scrubbing with a cost of Rp. 5,000. With the existence of Pde Laundry is one of the businesses that are easy to run, supported by the City of Batam which many changes/widening of the road that makes people’s clothes become dirty quickly. Laundry business is familiar to the public, so there is a lot of competition between fellow laundry business. So do not be surprised by this, which is to create a characteristic of the laundry business owned. So that the laundry that is owned has more identity and advantages than other laundry. Pde Laundry urgently needs financial reports to help manage its operations more effectively. Therefore, Pde Laundry can utilize Microsoft Access to create financial statements, including the Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, and Cash Flow Statement.
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