DOI: Kunci:
Canva, Digital Marketing, Instagram, MSMEs, Lin’s CulinaryAbstrak
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in the economy and have great potential for significant growth. However, even though the digital era has penetrated various sectors, there are still many MSMEs that have not taken advantage of the marketing opportunities offered by digital marketing. Data from in 2022 reveals that around 65 million MSMEs have not adopted digital marketing strategies, which is largely due to a lack of technological understanding among business actors. One of the market snack MSMEs, namely Lin's Culinary, has been established for 9 years since 2015 and has not implemented digital marketing. Thus, the aim of this Community Service Activity is to provide direct training and guidance to MSMEs, such as Lin's Culinary, in utilizing social media such as Instagram and the graphic design tool Canva. This service activity succeeded in enabling MSME owners to implement digital marketing through Instagram social media and also utilize the Canva application to create logos and food menu brochures for sale. It is hoped that through this activity, MSME owners can increase their understanding and skills in utilizing digital platforms for marketing purposes, and can increase the competitiveness and sustainability of their businesses.
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