
  • Dominggo Bayu Baskara Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
  • Arman Hakim Nasution Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • Achmad Amin Faizal Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Kata Kunci:

Aplikasi KMS, Asosiasi Dosen, Knowledge Management System, Kolaborasi Keilmuan


One of the administrative services carried out by various lecturer associations is the announcement of various scientific collaboration activities between members. At the Asosiasi Dosen Integrator Desa (ADIDES), the process of submitting scientific collaboration activities between members is currently still carried out manually. A manual input process like this is certainly less effective because the time required is longer because it requires confirmation and manual input by the website admin for each announcement of scientific collaboration activities. Based on these conditions, in this community service activity (PKM) a website-based knowledge management system (KMS) application was designed so that each member of the association can add activities and collaborate independently. Through this website-based KMS application, it is hoped that it can become a means of communication and dissemination of information between association members and the general public who are interested in the scientific collaboration programs offered by ADIDES. The scientific collaboration in question includes: Research, ABMAS, Textbook Writing, International Journals, International Conferences, or IPR Development between ADIDES members. Implementation of community service activities is divided into several activities such as: collecting data on association needs; designing and creating website-based KMS applications; to trial the use of website-based KMS applications. During the trial process, a demonstration of the use of the KMS application was carried out with members of the association management and website managers. Based on the test results, information was obtained that this KMS application has features that are in accordance with the association's needs and are easy to use. The application being developed is also considered effective in helping to announce scientific collaboration activities, but it still requires further development. Therefore, community service activities need to be carried out on an ongoing basis to increase the speed and quality of services to achieve the ADIDES work program.  mendemonstrasikan penggunaan aplikasi KMS dan mengisi survei terkait kualitas layanannya. Berdasarkan hasil survei tersebut diperoleh data bahwa aplikasi KMS ini mudah digunakan dan fitur yang dimiliki sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan asosiasi. Aplikasi ini efektif dalam pengumuman kegiatan kolaborasi keilmuan namun masih memerlukan pengembangan. Dengan demikian, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan secara berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kecepatan pencapaian program kerja ADIDES


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