
  • Muhammad Hibrian universitas muhammadiyah buton
  • La Ode Muhammad Saidi Univeristas Muhammadiyah Buton


Kata Kunci:

Website, PHP, Mysql, Digital Marketing


Information provided to users or users are users who are connected to one another. The internet plays an important role in human development in this century. One of the contents of the internet is in the form of online media that presents individual and company data presented in the form of online news. This profile information system or website is created using the PHP programming language with the addition of the codeigniter 3 framework to make it easier to write programs, the database uses MySQL. in the community of Baubau City in particular and in Indonesia in general. Making a website or profile information system in addition to carrying out a digital marketing strategy for company products can also increase buyer, customer or user confidence in knowing what products or services are available in a business. Company media to convey the brand to the public, Making a company profile information system can look professional.


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