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Video edukasi, Pemilahan sampah, TPS3RAbstrak
Managing rubbish is an activity that always exists in everyday life in the community. Rubbish found in Jatiluwih Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. The results of an audience with the Head of Jatiluwih Village stated that the rubbish management in Jatiluwih Village was not good enough. This was due to the lack of community vehicles to transport rubbish to TPS3R in Jatiluwih Village. Facilities and infrastructure in managing rubbish in the village are still incomplete, and the level of awareness by the community is still low on the importance of proper and proper rubbish management. The socialization carried out by National Education University students has provided information in the form of education about managing rubbish problems that has been given to the local community as well as good and correct rubbish processing innovations. Students are ready to help the community protect the environment by working together with the Jatiluwih Village community and helping to process rubbish in TPS3R. Rubbish that can be recycled and processed in various ways, such as the first, starting from sorting and processing to the producing process. Rubbish that has been separated based on type and stage from the start of transportation to TPS3R in separate conditions between organic and inorganic
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