Posyandu Cadre Training in the Use of Information Systems for Independent and Pinunjul Posyandu (SiAyuMaju) Kuningan Regency
DOI: Kunci:
Sistem Informasi, Posyandu, SiAyuMajuAbstrak
Information systems can be interpreted as media that can be used to disseminate information quickly and accurately to support the smooth operation of the organization's operations and decision-making. Posyandu in Kuningan district numbered 1191 posyandu from 376 villages in 32 sub-districts in Kuningan, West Java, in 2021, already implemented information technology in recording maternal and child health. The information system is a medium that can be used to disseminate information quickly and accurately to support the smooth operation of the organization's operations and decision-making. According to Kuningan DPMD data, the Mandiri and Pinunjul Posyandu Information System (SiAyuMaju) is less effective due to some HR/posyandu cadres' inability to learn and use information and communication technologies (ICT). Based on these problems, it is necessary to train posyandu cadres in using SiAyuMaju, Kuningan Regency. The method used in this service is training by providing systematic and organized information and instructions. The training method of providing systematic and organized information and education on the use of ICT and SiAyuMaju can produce human resources with special skills and expertise, which affect the reporting of posyandu activities more optimally, quickly, and precisely to help the Kuningan District DPMD make decisions.
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