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Stunting, Anemia, Red spinachAbstrak
Stunting is failure to thrive due to a lack of nutritional intake that lasts for a long time from pregnancy to 24 months of age. Efforts to prevent stunting are carried out by meeting the nutritional needs of pregnant women, providing exclusive breastfeeding and eating complementary foods, and maintaining environmental cleanliness. One of the nutrients during pregnancy that needs to be considered is the fulfillment of iron needs to prevent nutritional anemia caused by iron deficiency. Based on the results of a survey by a National Competent Institution, the Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI), the Padang Panjang stunting rate was set at 20%, and based on information from the Padang Panjang City Service Head from Posyandu cadre data; the Padang Panjang stunting rate reached 15.57%. To overcome stunting, innovation is needed to increase public interest in consuming foods rich in nutritional intake. One of the plants that can be used is red spinach. Red spinach is a vegetable that contains a lot of iron that can be consumed as an alternative food to meet iron needs. Iron plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women and mothers with toddlers about the benefits of red spinach and how to process red spinach into noodles. This training was attended by mothers with toddlers, pregnant women, and posyandu cadres. The method used is the training and distributing red spinach noodles for trainees, who can immediately feel the noodles made from a spinach mixture. The output of this activity is aimed at pregnant women and mothers with toddlers who know the benefits of red spinach, can process red spinach into noodles, and are willing to consume red spinach to prevent anemia and stunting.
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