The Pressure Effect on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Vacuum Evaporator System in Sugarcane Sap Concentration Process
Evaporation, Vacuum Evaporator, Sugarcane Sap, Energy Consumption, BrixAbstract
The largest energy consumption in sugar factories is used for heating sap by evaporator, so this study will investigate the effect of vacuum pressure and process time on increasing °Brix content using vacuum evaporator. This research aims to analyze thermal mass transfer, energy distribution and specific energy consumption. The results showed that vacuum pressure affects the evaporation rate. At ΔP = 350 mmHg (0.46 atm) and 240 minutes the amount of water evaporated was 5.08 kg or (average = 1.27 kg/hour), for ΔP = 550 mmHg (0.72 atm) with water evaporated was 6.48 kg (average 1.620 kg/hour) and for ΔP = 570 mmHg (0.75 atm) was 6.5 kg. (average = 1.625 kg/hour). The highest rate of evaporation was at time duration of 240 minutes with a vacuum pressure of 570 mmHg amounting to 6.8 kg. Process time also affects the consumption of electrical energy used. The optimum condition for the evaporation process using a double jacket evaporator is at the duration of 180 minutes, pressure 550 mmHg (0.72 atm) and 570 mmHg (0.75 atm). In this condition, the °Brix value is 74 to 79. Specific energy consumption is 1.40 kwh/kg product and thermal efficiency 54.20% at pressure 570 mmHg. This research contributes to energy efficient thermal diffusion separation technology.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sabrina Atilla Fetty Wijaya, Syahfira Rauddatul Jannah, May Sarokh, Zurohaina, Wahyu Dwi Taruna

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