About the Journal

KINETIKA (pISSN: 1693-9050 and e-ISSN: 2623-1417) is a journal published by Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. It was published three times per year on March, July, and November. Focused on original articles in the form of technical and vocational research results or literature review in the field of Energy and Conversion Technology; Chemical Reaction Technique; Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis; Transport Phenomenom; Chemical Engineering Operating Unit; Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimzation; Separation and Purification Unit; Material Technology, Material Development, New and Advanced Material; Food Technology and Bioprocess; Chemical Process and Industry; and Industry Fieldwork.

Any questions regarding to the submission on journal can contact us through our e-mail : kinetika@polsri.ac.id

The template of the journal can be downloaded on the link below: