ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan suatu campuran lapis aus aspal dengan pengaruh serbuk ban bekas yang digunakan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengujian laboratorium menggunakan alat Universal Material Testing Apparatus (UMATTA) untuk mengetahui besaran nilai Modulus Resilien (MR). Pengujian modulus resilien merujuk pada pedoman ASTM D4132.Penelitian dilakukan pada campuran lapis aus aspal dengan modifikasi serbuk ban bekas sebesar 15 % dan kadar aspal optimum (KAO) 5,9 %. Penentuan campuran ditentukan berdasarkan pengujian marshall sebelumnya. Pengujian marshall sebelumnya dilakukan dengan variasi campuran kadar serbuk ban bekas sebesar 0 %, 5 %, 10%, 15 % dan 20 % terhadap berat agregat. Hasil pengujian umatta didapat bahwa nilai MR pada kadar serbuk ban bekas 15 % adalah sebesar 1560,5 Mpa untuk temperatur pengujian normal yaitu 25°C. Sedangkan nilai MR pada suhu maksimum 40°C dihasilkan nilai sebesar 234 Mpa. Penentuan suhu tersebut diambil sesuai pedoman perencanan perkerasan lentur Pd-T-05-2005-B. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut didapat bahwa penurunan suhu mempengaruhi nilai modulus resilien campuran beraspal yaitu sebesar 85 %. Kemudian berdasarkan Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan 2013 diketahui bahwa nilai MR campuran lapis aus aspal pada suhu normal adalah sebesar 1100 Mpa. Berdasarkan uraian diatas diperoleh perbandingan kenaikkan nilai MR sebesar 29,5 % antara campuran normal dengan campuran serbuk ban bekas 15 %. Maka secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan modulus resilien pada penambahan serbuk ban bekas sebesar 15% yang dapat memberikan penambahan nilai kekuatan campuran lapis aus aspal dalam menahan beban kendaraan.
Kata kunci : Lapis Aus Aspal, Serbuk Ban Bekas, Modulus Resilien, Umatta
The purpose of this study was to determine the strength of an asphalt wear layer mixture with the influence of used Crumb Rubber (CR). The research was conducted by using laboratory testing methods using the Universal Material Testing Apparatus (UMATTA) to determine the Resilient Modulus (MR) value. Resilient modulus testing refers to ASTM D4132 guidelines. The study was carried out on a mixture of asphalt wear layers with modified tire powder by 15% and an optimum asphalt content (KAO) of 5.9%. The determination of the mix was determined based on previous Marshall testing. Previous marshall testing was carried out by varying the mixture of used CR content of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the aggregate weight. The results showed that the MR value on the 15% used tire powder content was 1560.5 MPa for the normal test temperature of 25°C. While the MR value at a maximum temperature of 40°C resulted in a value of 234 MPa. The temperature determination was taken according to the flexible pavement planning guidelines Pd-T-05-2005-B. Based on these results, it was found that the decrease in temperature affected the resilient modulus of the asphalt mixture by 85%. Then based on Road Pavement Design Manual 2013, it is known that the MR value of the asphalt wear layer mixture at normal temperatures is 1100 MPa. Based on the description above, the ratio of the increase in MR value is 29.5% between the normal mixture and the used tire powder mixture of 15%. So overall it can be concluded that there is an increase in resilient modulus in the addition of used tire powder by 15% which can increase the strength value of the asphalt wear layer mixture to withstand vehicle loads.
Keywords : Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course, Crumb Rubber, Resilient Modulus, Umatta