Effectiveness Test of Biomass Stove Based on Fuel Mass Ratio of Biopellet and Betung Bamboo Chips
Biomass, Biopellets, Biomass Stove, Betung BambooAbstract
Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources where its abundant availability in nature is a great potential to be developed.. In this case, a study of the effectiveness of biomass stoves using biopellets and betung bamboo chips aims to obtain optimal operating conditions for temperature, flame duration, thermal efficiency, and specific fuel consumption values produced for comparison with reference to SNI 7926:2013 quality standards. The method used to test the biomass stove is the Water Boiling Test method. The fuel used was analyzed for proximate and ultimate content. In this study, it is known that biomass stoves using rice husk biopellets and betung bamboo chips operate optimally at a mass ratio of 50%:50% in terms of temperature, flame duration, thermal efficiency, and specific fuel consumption. While using rice husk biopellets and teak wood powder biopellets, the biomass stove operates optimally at a mass ratio of 75%:25% in terms of temperature and flame duration and a mass ratio of 50%:50% in terms of thermal efficiency and fuel consumption.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Tina Melinda; KGS M Sofwan Junariansyah; Zurohaina, KA Ridwan; Rima Daniar

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