Characterization of Green Diesel Product in The Hydrotreating Process of Crude Palm Oil Using Ni/Bentonite Catalysts


  • Sherin Novia Dwi Parera Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • Dzaki Noor Hakim Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • Wahyu Sriwijaya Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • Ahmad Zikri Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • K.A Ridwan Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya


Crude Palm Oil, Hydrotreating, Green Diesel, Characteristics


The main issues faced by many developed and developing countries in the world today are future energy availability and better utilization of natural resources. Production of green diesel using hydrotreating process at 4 bar pressure, 3000 ml CPO was injected with hydrogen gas using 3% catalyst to accelerate the reaction. The non-static variables used in this research are pressure and temperature. After obtaining optimum conditions for pressure variations of 18 bar and 20 bar with the best operating temperature variations of 300℃, 310℃, 330℃, 350℃, 380℃. The use of pressure 20 bar and at a temperature of 350℃ per 3000 ml is the optimum condition in this study and produces a percentage yield of 39.83%. The physical properties obtained are density at 20 bar pressure is 777 kg/m3 - 795 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity at 20 bar pressure 2.14 cSt - 2.21 cSt and flash point at 18 bar pressure 56-60℃ and at 20 bar pressure 55℃ - 66 ℃, Cetane number at 20 bar pressure is 75.1, at 20 bar pressure heating value is 42.91 MJ/kg which meets European standards ENI5940: 2016 / AL: 2018.


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How to Cite

Sherin Novia Dwi Parera, Dzaki Noor Hakim, Wahyu Sriwijaya, Ahmad Zikri, & K.A Ridwan. (2024). Characterization of Green Diesel Product in The Hydrotreating Process of Crude Palm Oil Using Ni/Bentonite Catalysts. Journal of Industrial, Energy and Environment Technology, 2(1), 46–51. Retrieved from


