Performance Analysis of Biomass Stove Based on Air Velocity using Biomass Solid Fuel
Biomass Stove, Air Flow Velocity, BiomassAbstract
Biomass stove technology is the most potential stove to be developed as a replacement for traditional stoves by blowing air from bottom to top to burn pyrolysis gas. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of airflow velocity on thermal efficiency, Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), and flame duration produced by biomass stoves. The airflow velocity variatons of this research are 3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, and 6 m/s using a biomass fuel mixture of rice husk – wood powder and rice husk – bamboo chips. From research that has been done, variations in airflow rate speed are very influential on thermal efficiency, SFC, and flame duration. Biomass stove has passes the thermal efficiency test because all the result of thermal efficiency meet the minimum value of 20% of SNI 7926 : 2013. Airflow velocity can improve thermal efficiency and minimize fuel usage during combustion. However, after reaching the optimal speed, an increase in higher airflow velocity can lead to a decrease in thermal efficiency and an increase in SFC. The flame duration will also be faster as the velocity of the supplied airflow increases.
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