Making Biodiesel From a Mixture of Castor Oil and Used Cooking Oil in Terms of Stirring Time and Speed
Biodiesel, Castor Oil, Used Cooking OilAbstract
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel to replace diesel which has great potential as a diesel engine fuel. This research discusses the manufacture of biodiesel from a mixture of castor oil and used cooking oil using a KOH catalyst. The focus of the research is on the effect of time and stirring speed on the quality of the biodiesel produced. The research results showed that the highest yield was obtained at a stirring time of 60 minutes at a speed of 300 rpm, namely 32%. The best product that complies with SNI 7182:2015 standards is obtained with a stirring time of 20 minutes and a speed of 500 rpm, producing a viscosity of 5.0206 cSt, a flash point of 104°C, and a cetane number of 52.2. High stirring speeds help ensure the mixture of raw materials and catalyst is mixed evenly, resulting in biodiesel with good characteristics.
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