Analysis of Hospital Liquid Waste Processing Results using Coagulation and Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) Methods
Coagulation, Advanced Oxidation Processing (AOP), BOD, COD, TSSAbstract
Hospital waste has an impact on the environment, so good management efforts are needed with the aim of obtaining hospital conditions that meet environmental health requirements. In this research, hospital liquid waste processing was carried out using two methods, namely Coagulation and Fenton Process (Advanced Oxidation). Fenton has been developed in many places to process organic materials Biological Oxygen Demand/Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD/COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), color, nitrogen, phosphorus and some metals contained in domestic industrial wastewater and raw drinking water. Alum coagulant (Al2(SO4)3) has been widely known and widely used by the industrial community in relation to reducing colloidal particles in water which is quite cheap and effective. From the results of the analysis, an effective method was obtained to reduce the levels of pH, BOD, COD, TSS and , and free NH3 using the Fenton process (Advanced Oxidation) after the coagulation process with a pH reduction percentage of 31.6% w/v, BOD of 91% w/v, COD was 73% w/v, TSS was 69% w/v and the reduction in free NH3 was 88% w/v
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