Effect of Adsorbent Mass and Contact Time on the Removal of Iron (Fe) Metal Ions from Palm Kernel Shells using an Adsorption Column
Adsorption, Activated Carbon, Heavy Metals, Isotherm ModelAbstract
Palm kernel shell is a waste produced by industrial processing. Its utilization is still widely open as a purification of water, oil, juice, and other uses. This study aims to utilize palm kernel shells as activated carbon for the removal of the Fe metal adsorption process following the isothermal model. The methods used include carbonization, activation, and characterization tests. For the sorption process using carbon mass variations 262; 264; 266; 268; 270; 272; 274; 276 and 278 grams and contact time variations of 15; 20; 25; 30; 35; 40; 45; 50; 55 and 60 minutes. The results of Fe metal removal were analyzed by AAS to obtain an absorption efficiency of 97% at a mass of 278 grams and 89.6% at an optimum time of 25 minutes. The Langmuir isotherm equation obtained adsorption capacity of 0.0139 mg/g and 0.064 mg/g and Freundlich of 92.89 mg/g and 3605.7 mg/g.
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