Synthesis of Rice Straw and Coconut Shell-Based Bio Briquettes as an Alternative Energy
characteristic bio briquettes, particle size, composition ratioAbstract
This comparison of composition and particle size of bio briquettes from the raw material of the rice straw-coconut shell mixture can produce solid fuels with high calorific value and minimum pollutants. This study aims to synthesize bio briquettes based on a mixture of rice straw and coconut shells, to find the best composition to obtain high-calorie bio briquettes. In the first stage, analyzing bio briquettes with a composition ratio of rice straw-coconut shells are 90:10; 80:20: 70:30; 60:40; 50:50; 40:60; 30:70; 20:80 and the particle size (mesh) are 20, 60, 100, 140 and 170. Determine the characteristics of the bio briquette, it consists of inherent matter (IM), volatile matter (VM), ash content (AC), fixed carbon (FC), and calorific value (CV). From the analysis results obtained data that accordance to SNI 01-6235-2000, namely the ratio of rice straw and coconut shell mixture of 55:45 with a particle size of 98 mesh obtained CV of 5005 cal/g, IM of 7.0985%, VM of 26,3971%, AC of 22,2198%, FC of 44,2421%.
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