Prototype Pengering Tipe Rotary (Uji Kinerja Pada Pengeringan Ampas Kelapa Dan Tongkol Jagung Untuk Produksi Bahan Bakar Biopelet)
Kata Kunci:
Fossil energy, Biopellet, Design, Actual, Drying air velocity.Abstrak
Fossil fuels are Indonesia’s dominant energy source. Mostly, Indonesia still depends on petroleum and coal for our energy consumption. Therefore, biomass as a renewable energy source is an effort to reduce the fossil energy usage in Indonesia. Biopellet is one of the processing of biomass into solid fuel. One of the process is drying. There are several variables which can be used in dryer prototype research such as fixed variables of mixture comparison of raw materials, drying time, and drying temperature, while the non-fixed variable used is air speed dryer. The research result showed that the largest evaporation of H2O mass, the largest heat of H2O in the air, the largest vaporized heat of H2O, the largest rate of biopellet water content andcalor energy was at speed of 6 m/s. Based on the design, evaporation on H2O mass, the heat of H2O in the air, the water content and the largest rate of bio-pellet calorat a drying air speed of 6 m/s. According the total design, evaporation on H2O mass was 23.579 grams, H2O heat in the air was 267.659 cal, the heat of evaporated H2O was 12653.10 cal. Meanwhile, from actual calculation, evaporation on H2O mass was 23.50 gram, H2O heat in the air was 264.55 cal, the heat of evaporated H2O was 12537.20 cal, water content of biopellet was 6.47% and the rate of biopellet calor was 4655.0668 cal/gram.
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