Rancang Bangun Alat Pirolisis Dengan Pemanas Induksi Untuk Mengkonversi Limbah Plastik Menjadi Bahan Bakar Cair Ditinjau Dari Temperatur Terhadap Hasil Produk Yang Dihasilkan
pyrolysis, temperature variations, induction heaters, liquid products, LDPE, PPAbstract
Pyrolysis is the process of degradation or decomposition of solid materials into heat-assisted gases in the absence of oxygen. In this pyrolysis process plastic waste will be converted into alternative fuel using an induction heater. Pyrolysis is carried out using a temperature variation of 120, 130 and 140ºC with a time of thawing 2 hours for each temperature. From the results of research on plastic types LDPE and PP it is known that the optimum temperature obtained from this study is at a temperature of 140ºC. In LDPE type plastics with a volume of oil produced 66 ml, density 0.760 gr / ml, flash point 30ºC, and% yield 10.795%. And in PP type plastics with a volume of oil produced 70 ml, density 0.721 gr / ml, flash point 31ºC, and% yield 10.243%.
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