Prototipe Reaktor Biogas Berbahan Baku Limbah Ternak (Kotoran Sapi) dan Limbah Pasar (Sampah Sayur) Sebagai Energi Alternatif Terhadap Analisa Komposisi dan Nilai Kalor


  • Firnando Prabu Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya


Cow dung, vegetable waste, volume EM4, biogas, methane gas


Using of energy makes reserves running low, for it to need alternative renewable energy, saving energy environmentally friendly, is using of biogas. Biogas is a gaseous fuel produced from the fermentation of organic materials with the help of anaerobic bacteria that can be used as an alternative energy. Manufacture of biogas reactors is done to support biogas fermentation with raw material mixture of cow dung and vegetable waste in ratio 7:3. Biogas production is done by varying volume of EM4 as activator 43 ml, 48 ml and 53 ml. Fermentation biogas done until 20 days. Result of biogas is analyzed to know volume of biogas from variation of EM4. From analysis of gas, volume biogas with variation of volume EM4 43 ml, 48 ml and 53 ml and the result is 4,157 L, 4,159 L and 4,170 L. After that, volume of biogas from calculation can get calorific value, from variable EM4 43 ml is 21,17 kJ, 48 ml is 23,59 kJ and 53 ml is 32,39 kJ.

Author Biography

Firnando Prabu, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Teknik Energi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya


