Care, Diabetic Foot, Diabetes Mellitus


  • Muhammad Basri Akademi Keperawatan Batari Toja
  • Najman Akademi Keperawatan Batari Toja
  • Kistan Kistan Akademi Keperawatan Batari Toja


Kata Kunci:

Care, Diabetic Foot, Diabetes Mellitus


The main problem experienced by people with diabetes mellitus is the presence of acute and chroniccomplications that can aggravate health problems. One of the health problems due to DiabetesMellitus is amputation due to hyperglycaemia conditions which can interfere with leucocytes asmacrophages, resulting in prolonged wound healing and will cause infection. This communityservice is an effort to care and prevent Diabetes Mellitus to the community by using education,demonstration and mentoring methods. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge ofthe Paccing village community about Diabetes Mellitus and be able to apply diabetic gymnasticsand diabetic foot SPA treatments. This activity includes three stages, namely Preparation,Implementation and Evaluation. The output of this activity is that there is an increase in knowledgebefore and after the intervention as many as 19 (54%) respondents in the low category, 14 (40%)respondents in the moderate category and 2 (5.7%) respondents in the high category while the dataobtained after the intervention are 3 (8.6%) respondents in the low category, 18 (51.4%)respondents in the moderate category and 14 (40%) respondents in the high category. it is hopedthat the results of this activity will become a recommendation for the Puskesmas and the localgovernment to be followed up, especially regarding advanced care and treatment that suits theneeds of people with Diabetes Mellitus.


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