Occupational safety and health are indispensable in the process of building infrastructure. Planning in carrying out occupational safety and health (OHS) for building construction projects aims to prevent workers in the field (handymen) from work accidents and avoid disease so that the construction process can run smoothly and the work completed in a timely way.
Occupational safety and health (OHS) in english "Work and Health Safety" means to prevent accidents and ensure the health of field workers who do building construction work. No one in the world wants to have an accident while doing a job. Occupational safety and health also mean a science and its application in an effort to prevent the possibility of accidents and diseases while carrying out work. Occupational safety and health have the goal of preventing, reducing, even reducing the risk of zero accidents.
Work accidents that occur during the construction process due to the lack of knowledge from implementation contractors Pilar Mas Perkasa Inc. on the importance of occupational safety and health for workers and their employees. Based on the fact obtained in the field, it is necessary to review and evaluate the implementation of occupational safety and health in Pilar Mas Perkasa Inc. as an implementing contactor. In this assignment, the writer together with the team provided OHS counseling for ironing work on the construction project of Talang Ubi Hospital building in Pali Regency, South Sumatra. This service partner is Pilar Mas Perkasa IncReferensi
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