Peningkatan Minat Anak di Bidang Robotika


  • Nyayu Latifah Husni
  • Ade Handayani
  • Eka Prihatini
  • Evelina Evelina
  • Masayu Anisa


Harapan Mulia Islamic Elementary School provides the students to learn with many facilities also competent teachers. This school is one of the most popular school because it also provides a bunch of extracurricular activities for the students. Robotic is the least famous extracurricular among all, therefore, The School decided to eliminate this extracurricular. It's such a pity because Robotic Education and Technology are improved day by day. Based on the observation results of the Head Master of the school, most of the students are not very interested to learn robotics. The school knows well that Robotic is as important as other subjects and it brings a greater impact for the technology. This dedication has the intention to evoke the student's interest on learning Robotic. On this dedication, there will be a discussion of the Robotic significance also a practical to make a simple robot. The students seems really excited and interested to learn and to join the dedication.


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