
  • Zainuddin Muchtar
  • Kosim Kosim
  • Sudarmadji Sudarmadji
  • Raja Marpaung
  • Soegeng Harijadi


PT Semarang Jaya Prima is a company engaged in general trade, Contractor, supplier of goods and services, construction. The weaknesses of the Company's employees are the skills to use AutoCad, Calculate Work Quantities, Calculate Unit Work Prices and Work Schedule (Time Schedule) it is very necessary for professional employees, To overcome the problems faced. Lecturer in  order to save these problems, PT Semarang Jaya Prima Palembang Contractor asked of Sriwijaya State Polytechnic to provide training assistance in the Field Project Management Training. The training was held at it’s PT. Semarang Jaya Prima hall with participants of all company employees. It’s begins with an explanation of AutoCAD (Automatic Computer Aided Design), then Calculating the quantity of work aimed at knowing the material requirements needed, the cost budget (materials and wages) can be obtained, Calculating the unit price of work includes: calculating resource requirements,  labor coefficients, material coefficients, tool coefficients, calculating resource requirements and make a schedule for the implementation of activities (Time Schedule), using the Barchart diagram.The results from this  training that all participants who attended the training were able to: operate AutoCAD, calculate the quantity of work, calculate the price of the work unit and make (Time Schedule). With this training all company employees can improve their performance in handling a road project.


Autodesk, Learning AutoCad, volume 1, Published by Autodesk, Inc. 111Mclnnis Parkway San Rafael, CA 94903, 2009, USA
Autodesk, Learning AutoCad, volume 2, Published by Autodesk, Inc. 111Mclnnis Parkway San Rafael, CA 94903, 2009, USA
Handi Chandra, 2005, AutoCAD 3D & 3ds max untuk arsitek, Penerbit Maxikom, Palembang
Istimawan Dipohusodo, 1996, Manajemen Proyek dan Konstruksi jilid 1, Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Istimawan Dipohusodo, 1996, Manajemen Proyek dan Konstruksi jilid 2, Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Sofi Ansori, 2013, Tip dan Trik Auto CAD untuk Arsitek, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta.
Wahana Komputer, 2004, Panduan Aplikatif Belajar Auto CAD, Penerbit ANDI, Yogyakarta.
Zica Pratama Putra ST dan Tim EMS, 2013, Step by Step Auto CAD 2D & 3D, Penerbit Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta.




