
  • Ade Handayani
  • Nyayu Latifah Husni
  • Sopian Soim
  • Rumiasih Rumiasih
  • Carlos R Sitompul
  • Ali Nurdin
  • Suroso Suroso


The limited of the teacher to create a creative and innovative learning method is the main problem of the learning application that based on ICT. It is because the lack of teacher's ability of using learning support media. Therefore, it is indeed important to use anlearning application to create the concepts and the materials onto learning media. For example, Adobe Flash for Videos and Games, Prezi for Animation, also e-Book. A workshop about The Development of Learning Media Based on Application can be the right answer to solve the problems that we're facing. The purpose of this Workshop is to motivate and to create unlimited and attractive concepts for learning media, so the student's ability to learn is developing.


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