Every women needs to pay attention to attitudes social relationships, and how to dress in accordance with dress/fashion etiquette also social etiquette. Mother in the Tanjung Barangan Asri cover from different education, homtown and also jobs background. Generally, they dress and did the social relationship as they wish. Sometimes it can be appropriate or it is not. Therefore, the problems faced by partners are social relationship and dress ethics. In carrying out daily activities sometimes women do not pay attention to how best to behave and dress, so that sometimes it looks appropriate and sometimes it looks inappropriate. Therefore, the partners problems are social ethics and dress ethics. Partners do not understand the proper social relationship and dress ethics. The implementation method were carried out through socialization, then followed by counseling where participants could asked question, discussed and gave and comments. Counseling activities results evaluated by questionnaire collecting before and after counseling activities. The benefit obtained by participants were the knowledge gained about ethics that they never learned before. So, the participants are strongly agreed that this activity has help them in daily life.
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