
  • Yuniar Yuniar
  • Sofiah Sofiah
  • Martha Aznury
  • Jaksen M Amin


Only the meat is taken from the body of the cork, while the head, skin and middle bones are thrown away. The big snakehead fish head is usually cooked for Palembang's special cuisine namely pindang, yet the head of small one is thrown away. To increase the added value of snakehead fish, fish head is made into kemplang. It is intended that with the knowledge of making kemplang from fish head, the community can make it themselves to improve family health and the price will be cheaper. Besides, it can also be developed as a business. As known that the excellent nutritional content of kemplang, namely high calcium whose function to accelerate growth of nerve cell, so that if it’s processed into a food product in this case is kemplang, it can produce food products in the form of kemplang whose high nutrients. Technology transfer is carried out in stages by providing counseling about making kemplang to cadres / community groups (target audiences) who are capable and interested in 8 Ilir, Ilir Timur III District, Palembang City. The result of community service in 8 Ilir Village, Ilir Timur III District, Palembang City shows that fish head can be used as raw material for making kemplang. The community is highly enthusiastic in training to make kemplang so that they can make it themselves or in groups and the new entrepreneurs can emerge.


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