Palembang is a city which has many rivers. The water transporation is driven by a fuel motor and the boat propeller is using a flexible coupling that connected to the motor shaft. Flexible coupling and propeller are the engine component that very hard to find, and also the component that often suffer damage. Flexible coupling and propeller are made of aluminium alloy which is casted by using sand molding. The fuel which is usually used for aluminium smelting in small industries is used oil that is very dangerous for the environment. The dangerous substances in used engine oil including chemicals, such as hydrocarbon and sulfur. If these elements get burned, will be very dangerous for health and environment. In order to reduce the use of used oil as a fuel, the author do the counseling of used oil hazards and the fuel subtituent namely, gas. The counseling is also done in terms of making the right casting solution for sand molding to produce a better quality of casting products.
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