
  • Muhammad Fanisyah Bahmadeni Universitas Bina Darma Palembang



Abstract—Control in the production of oyster mushroom houses carried out by humans has limitations to monitor them, it is necessary to design a prototype to monitor and control the oyster mushroom houses so that production can run well. This research tool is designed using a dht22 sensor which can make it easier for humans to monitor temperature and humidity inside a prototype oyster mushroom house as well as an ldr sensor for light intensity monitored on the prototype without having to measure objects. The process of monitoring temperature, humidity and light intensity in a modern way in two different functions as a transmitter and receiver using LoRa technology can be monitored more easily and quickly compared to the manual method. The main tools and materials used to make this research tool are Nano V3 ATMega 328P, LoRa module, Dht22 Sensor, Ldr Sensor, and 915 Mhz Antenna. The process of making this research tool aims to make it easier to produce oyster mushrooms and as a substitute for WiFi because you don't use the network anymore you can take advantage of LoRa technology using frequency waves through antennas. The results obtained from the use of this research tool are when the temperature and humidity in the oyster mushroom house prototype are in the range of 28℃ - 29℃, the output is good, and if the range has not reached the maximum point, there is control for normalizing temperature and humidity in oyster mushroom house prototype room to stabilize again.    


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