Prosiding Semnas First <p>Seminar Nasional ini menjadi salah satu ajang bagi para Akademisi nasional untuk mempresentasikan penelitiannya, sekaligus bertukar informasi dan memperdalam masalah penelitian, serta mengembangkan kerjasama yang berkelanjutan. Luaran dari Seminar Nasional ini adalah Prosiding. Prosiding ini berisikan karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa, serta profesional. </p> Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya en-US Prosiding Semnas First COVER, DEWAN REDAKSI, DAFTAR ISI <p><strong>Volume 1 Nomor 2, Tahun 2023</strong></p> P3M Polsri Copyright (c) 2023 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 PEMANFAATAN EKSTRAK CARICA PAPAYA DALAM FORMULASI SAMPO DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK CLITORIA TERNATEA SEBAGAI FOAM BOOSTER <p><em>As Carica papaya have proteolytic enzymes (papain and kimopappin), as well as bioactive components such as alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids that have an antifungal function by damaging the integrity of fungal cell walls and are toxic so that when the active compound is absorbed by pathogenic fungi it can cause damage to organelles. cells, inhibiting the work of enzymes, thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi. Clitoria ternatea contains phenolic compounds that function as antioxidants that can be used to capture free radicals so that prevent and repair tissue damage. on hair. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of papaya seed extract in inhibiting the growth of the fungus pityrosporum ovale and clitoria ternatea as foam formation in the manufacture of shampoo as a substitute for chemicals such as KOH. This research is experimental with the extraction method used is maceration. This research includes extract making, phytochemical screening test, antioxidant activity test, shampoo formulation, moisture content, foam height, density, viscosity, and irritation test based on shampoo quality standard SNI 06-2692-1992 as well as testing on the fungus pityrosporum ovale. In this study, a comparison of the concentration of the extract and the comparison of the stirring time was carried out with the aim of obtaining the best shampoo formula. The results of the analysis of the best shampoo formula are found in the comparison of the concentration of carica papaya 6%, 4% clitoria ternatea with a stirring time of 30 minutes, indicating that the anti-dandruff shampoo meets SNI quality standards.</em></p> Elina Margaretty Hilwatullisan Sofiah Ainul Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 1 10 RANCANG BANGUN RADIUSTURNER TOOLPOST PADA MESIN BUBUT <p><em>In this advanced era, technology continues to develop, including in the field of machinery. So that makes experts competing to create a new work, especially in the field of machinery. On a conventional lathe, when you want to make a radius, there are many steps that must be taken, starting from setting tools, sharpening complex chisels and others. This research will design a Radius Turner Toolpost that has a function to make a workpiece in the form of a radius without having to sharpen or replace the chisel. So that it can create more accurate turning and more perfect results. To reduce vibration and avoid changing the position of the anvil when turning, a clamp or bolt is provided.</em></p> Alimedi Samsul Rizal Romi Wilza Anisa Erik Alam Saputra Made Diva Dwi Adyana Fenoria Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 11 18 PASTA GIGI BERBAHAN DASAR FLAVONOID DARI EKSTRAK MENTIMUN (Cucumis Sativus L) GUNA MENGHILANGKAN BAU MULUT <p>Halitosis is a problem that often experienced by everyone due to the buildup of bacteria that thrives in oxygen-poor areas. In oral and dental health product the majority contain antioxidants and antibacterials. Cucumber has potential as a natural antioxidant because in the phytochemical test cucumber has flavonoid compounds. In the process, extraction using a fixed variable in the form of cucumber powder weight is 100 g (powder), 95% ethanol extractor. Where the variable is the amount of solvent with variations of 600 ml, 700 ml, 800 ml, 900 ml, 1000 ml. In the extraction process, Maceration was carried out for 3 days with stirring. The obtained filtrate was evaporated with a rotary evaporator to obtain a thick extract. The maceration results were tested with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer to determine the results of flavonoid levels. And it is known that the value of flavonoid ppm dissolving for solution 600ml is 10.21, solution 700ml is 23.26, solution 800ml is 162.58, solution 900ml is 69,59 , solution 1000ml as much as 28.42. So that the best treatment is the third solution. After being made into a toothpaste preparation, it’s a preparation that has the same texture, smell and color as toothpaste in general.</p> Faisal Damsi Aan Sugiyanto Dwi Sandi Fatra Riki Zakaria Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 19 29 ANALISIS PENGARUH THERMOELEKTRIK TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS PANEL SURYA SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF ENERGI LISTRIK <p><em>Human life is indirectly influenced by energy, both the energy used to work and the energy that comes from nature. Utilization of natural energy can be utilized by humans for their interests and welfare. Natural energy can be in the form of energy that comes from soil, water, sunlight. In the field, the use of solar energy is only sunlight, even though sunlight has other energy apart from light, namely heat energy that is emitted by radiation to the earth's surface. For this reason, the problem arises how to take advantage of the heat from sunlight other than the light itself. Thermoelectric is one of the components that can be used for converting heat energy into electrical energy with a temperature difference.</em></p> Michelle Valerie Sopian Soim M. Redho Ali Said Shohibulloh Bayu Anistiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 30 37 PERANCANGAN ALAT PEMUTAR PEMANGGANG LEMANG <p>This report contains the design of the Lemang Rotary Rotary Tool to burn lemang with an even level of maturity. The author's goal is to make this tool to help people who have businesses in the culinary field, especially lemang, so that they no longer burn lemang with a manual system or use their hands, but use a power window and sprocket to rotate the lemang. This tool consists of 3 parts, namely the frame, the lemang player, the driving motor. The way this tool works is by rotating the sprocket that has been connected to the chain and the motor power window&nbsp; motor as a power source.</p> <p>The important components of this tool are sprockets, chains and power window motors which are used as connectors and players for lemang so that the level of maturity can be more even and maximal.</p> Randika Alfikri Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 38 42 PENGARUH PRICE TO BOOK VALUE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN INVESTASI SAHAM SUB SEKTOR FARMASI <p><em>Based on previous research, it was found that Price To Book Value (PBV) is a variable that has a significant and positive effect on stock prices, so that it can be used as a guide in determining stock conditions, and investment decisions on stocks of the pharmaceutical sub-sector in 2022-2023. The sample in this study was determined by purposive sampling technique and obtained TSPC, DVLA, INAF, and SIDO stocks which will be processed for data for 5 years (2017-2021) on a quarterly basis (per 3 months). The data is processed by using the trend moment method. The results obtained are that TSPC shares are undervalued, so the recommended investment decision for investors is to hold selling shares, and for potential investors to buy shares. DVLA, INAF, and SIDO shares are in overvalued condition, so the recommended investment decision for investors is to sell shares, and for potential investors is to hold to buy these shares, until the stock price is below the value intrinsically.</em></p> Atika Supri Hartini Marieska Lupikawaty Fetty Maretha Haris Wilianto Muhammad Ridhallah Susilawati Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 43 52 PEMBUATAN BRIKET SEKAM PADI (ORYZA SATIVA L.) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKAR ALTERNATIF PENGGANTI KAYU BAKAR <p><em>Rice (Latin: Oryza Sativa L.) is a plant that is so abundant in Indonesia. Rice, which produces rice, is the main product of farmers in an agrarian country like Indonesia. In addition to producing rice, rice husk waste is also obtained. Rice husks can be used as bio briquettes for alternative fuels, reducing dependence on the use of fossil fuels for sustainable use and reducing the impact of carbon emissions. One of the innovations made is to use rice husk as the main ingredient to make bio briquettes and answer good and environmentally friendly alternative energy. There are several steps in making bio briquettes from rice husks, including, processing rice husks into charcoal, and making fabricators with variations of 1:0.5, 1:0.75, 1:1, and 1:1.25. Mixing rice husk charcoal with adhesive, and bio-briquette molding process. The results of this study will be analyzed by the Proximate Test starting from the Moisture Content, Ash Content, Volatile Matter, and Fixed Carbon in order to obtain Bio briquettes that achieve the quality.</em></p> Jaksen M. Amin Rizki Yuanda Shohibullah Bayu A Soni Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 53 64 VARIAN ANGGARAN DAN REALISASI BIAYA OPERASIONAL: KAJIAN PADA PT PIRANTINUSA ENERGI PERSADA OGAN ILIR <p><em>The aims of the study were to find out and to analyze the causes of the variance between the budget and its realization. In this study, primary data was used, namely data obtained from interviews and analysis of documents related to the problem, namely reports on the realization of operational costs and operational cost budgets. In collecting the data, interviews and documentation were used in this study. The results of the analysis showed that in compiling the operational cost budget, PT Pirantinusa Energi Persada used the bottom-up method and there were operational cost accounts that had unfavorable variants due to several factors.</em></p> Choiruddin Choiruddin Sela Dea Putri Rita Martini Sulaiman Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 65 71 COAL ASH WASTE UTILIZATION FOR MAKING PAVING BLOCK OF ECO-FRIENDLY <p><em>Paving blocks are made of mortar, consisting of: fine aggregate(sand/stone ash), cement and water. Paving blocks (precast concrete) can be classified based on their compressive strength, absorption and function, including: class A, B, C and D. Coal ash waste is a mineral additive that can be added, reduce production costs, increase resistance to sulfate attack, durability, compressive strength and reduce porosity.This study aims to obtain the composition of the mixture that will be used to make paving blocks by making a mix design of a cylindrical paving block mixture and printing a hexagon-shaped paving block. The composition of the mixture using fly ash as a cement additive and bottom ash as additional material for stone ash, variying: 5%; 10%, 15% and 20%. Paving block specimens will be tested for compressive strength and absorption capacity after being cured for 28 days. The results showed that if 20% of the base ash was used, a class C paving block would be obtained which had the same compressive strength as the paving block without the use of coal ash waste. if the fly ash used is &lt;20%, then class B paving blocks will be obtained.</em></p> Sumiati Revias Ahmad Syapawi Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 72 80 BREAK EVENT POINT ANALYSIS AS FINANCE STRATEGY AT COFFEE ROASTERY <p><em>The purpose of this study is to break event point at roaster coffee. The data used was data from Djoempa Lagi Coffee Roastery, collected by interview used questionnaires to owneer. Menggunakan descriptive quantitative analysis and counting used break event point to find height quantitiy and price quantity. Break event point showed Arabica coffee amount as 27,53 kg and </em><em>Rp</em><em>6.058.246</em><em>, Robusta coffee amount 72,76 kg </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>or equal to </em><em>Rp</em><em>6.913.138</em><em> and house blend coffee amount as 42,85 kg </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>or equal to </em><em>Rp</em><em>5.999.518,289</em><em>.</em></p> Dewi Fadila Ummasyaroh Yusleli Herawati Herawati Fadhil Amiros Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 81 87 BUKU SAKU DIGITAL DESA PARIWISATA AGROBISNIS TEKNO 44 DI DESA GELEBAK KECAMATAN RAMBUTAN KABUPATEN BANYUASIN <p><em>The digital pocket book is one of the tools to facilitate communication between the owner of the information and the intended segmentation. Gelebak Village is a village that carries the concept of a tourist village with several tourist spots left over from mining to become potential areas that have economic value and empower the community. In supporting this, an effective communication media is needed in the form of a digital pocket book that makes it easier for visitors to find out what and how from the tourist village. The stages of activities include Definition, Design, Book Development, Socialization and Evaluation. The results of the activity resulted in an 80% increase in partner understanding and knowledge related to aspects of using digital books.</em></p> Indri Ariyanti Yulian Mirza Muhammad Raihan Saniah Azzahra Rasyim Amin Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 88 94 UJI KARAKTERISTIK MINYAK BIJI KESAMBI (Schleichera Oleosa) ASAL NOEMUTI TTU SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKAR ALTERNATIF <p><em>Research was conducted on the Characteristic Test of Kesambi Seed Oil (Schleichera oleosa) from Noemuti, TTU as an Alternative Fuel. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and feasibility of kesambi seed oil by the continuous extraction method or soxhletation using n-hexane as a solvent. The obtained oil extract is purified through a degumming process, a neutralization process to separate fatty acids and phosphides, and a bleaching and deodorizing process using an adsorbent. Observations were made in the form of oil yield and physical and chemical properties of kesambi oil. The results obtained are: an oil yield of 69%; the physical properties are clear yellow in color; specific gravity of 0.85 gram/mL; refractive index of 1.56, melting point of 5–31°C; and chemical properties are acid number of 4.18 mgKOH/gr.sample; saponification number of 34.5 mgKOH/gr.sample; peroxide number of 1.7 meq O<sub>2</sub>/Kg sample. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that pure kesambi oil from Noemuti, TTU can be used as biodiesel if viewed from its characteristics. </em></p> Gertreda Latumakulita Gerardus Diri Tukan Maria Junita Oeleu Copyright (c) 2023 Prosiding Semnas First 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 1 2 95 118