Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia <p>Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa teknik kimia adalah hasil seminar tugas akhir mahasiwa jurusan teknik kimia. Prosiding ini diterbitkan oleh jurusan teknik kimia Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu :<br />• Edisi Mei<br />• Edisi Oktober</p><p>Artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan merupakan hasil riset/penelitian dalam bidang Teknik Kimia, Bioteknologi, Energi dan Lingkungan, Agroindustri dan Pangan, serta Petrokimia.</p> id-ID (Martha Aznury) (Martha Aznury) Tue, 03 Nov 2020 14:59:54 +0700 OJS 60 Analisis Eksergi Pada Kolektor Surya Pelat Datar The use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as an energy source for cooking in Indonesia is estimated at 63.1 MBOE in 2020. One form of LPG utilization is generally heating air, both conventional and using water heaters. Limited domestic supply requires substitution to other types of energy specifically renewable energy. The intensity of solar radiation reaching the earth at 1367 W/m2 provide great potential for the utilization of solar energy through solar water heater as a source of water heating. The study was conducted with serpentine tube arrangement and using 0.5 liters/minute continuous flow rate which is analyzed by the 2nd law of thermodynamic. This study also aims to analyze the effect of solar intensity to differences temperature of collectors, the amount of exergy gain for heating the water and the effect of solar intensity to exergy destruction. From the research, it was found that the higher solar intensity, the higher the temperature difference between input and output and exergy destruction. The highest efficiency is 3,2%. The low efficiency of collectors is caused by the higher exergy destruction. Tiara Dwi Putri, Felicia Smantha, Daud Ifadah, Aida Syarif, Irawan Rusnadi, K. A Ridwan, Ida Febriana Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kinerja Genset Berbahan Bakar Biogas Dan Biometan Pada Unit CLPDTR Biogas is the main products from anaerobic processing of cattle dung in Continuous Longitudinal Plate Digester Tank Reactor. With CO2 absorber, biogas is improved to be biomethane using NaOH. Biogas and biomethane proven can be used on engine motor by adding converter and simple regulator. With composition of methane 50%-65%, biogas and biomethane can produce electricity with capacity 1kW/h. Generator set testing with load electricity addition (200, 400, 600, 800, dan 1000) watt and ratio variety of LPG addition ( 0:5, 1:4, 2:3, 3:2, 4:1, and 5:0). Optimum mixing of the ratio is 2:3 on 800 watt. It is proven by looking at the power generated, torque dan Specific Fuel Consumption. For biogas, it is obtained 0.888kW, 2,871 Nm and 1.007 kg/Hp.h, while biomethane is obtained 0.862kW, 2,772 Nm and 0.986 kg/Hp.h. Agem Gunardi, Muhammad Satria Wibowo, Veberia Panjaitan, Lety Trisnaliani, Sutini Pujiastuti Lestari, Tahdid ,, Zurohania , Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Aplikasi Biosurfaktan Dari Daun Sengon (Albizia Falcataria) Dan Kulit Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Sebagai Detergen Ramah Lingkungan The problem of using detergent that contain synthetic surfactants can pollute the environment, so we need an environmentally friendly surfactant as sengon leaf and papaya peel. This research aims to obtain the optimum composition and operating conditions. Biosurfactant produced was carried out by adding HCl (0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 and 1.0%) and extract concentration (v/v) (15, 30, and 45%). Analysis of biosurfactant consists of pH, foam height, and protease enzyme activity. Production of detergent is done with variations in temperature (30, 50, 70 and 90ºC) and stirring speed (200, 250, 300, and 350 rpm). Detergent produced was analyzed for physicochemical properties and level of pollution. The optimum result of biosurfactant obtained at variation extract concentration of 45% and HCl 0.6% with pH 2, foam height 18-20 mm, and protease enzyme activity 0.3416 U/mL. The optimum temperature and stirring speed in making detergent are 50ºC and 250 rpm. The physicochemical properties of detergent produced is accordance of SNI 06-4075-1996 with pH 11, density 1.0417 g/mL, and detergent power 3.65 NTU, while the results of testing the level of pollution of detergent produced hasfulfilled with the South Sumatra Governor's Regulations No. 8 in 2012. Isma Uly Maranggi, Bella Rahmasari, Febi Dwi Kania, Fadarina ., Yuniar ., Indah Purnama Sari, Anerasari . Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Aplikasi Katalis Berbasis Karbon Aktif Dari Kayu Akasia (Acacia Mangium) Diimpregnasi Basa Pada Sintesis Biodiesel In producing biodiesel, one aspect that plays an important role is the use of catalysts in triglyceride transesterification reactions. The making of heterogeneous catalysts with activated carbon is carried out using the impregnation method, Acacia mangingum wood sawdust is waste that has not been optimally used so that it has the potential to be developed as an activated carbon carrying the catalyst. In this study the catalyst active phase was dispersed on activated carbon by impregration using a KOH and NaOH solution with concentration of 5 M for 21 hours, this catalyst was applied to the transesterification reaction to produce methyl esters or biodiesel. In the transesterification reaction used used cooking oil raw material reacted with methanol with a reaction time of 2 hours and stirring 600 rpm. The use of activated carbon catalyst was impregnated by KOH using variations in the amount of catalyst 1, 3, and 5% w/w oil and reaction temperature 45, 55, 65, and 75ᴼC, obtained the highest biodiesel yield on the use of 3% w/w catalyst oil at 65ᴼC , with the quality of biodiesel density 0.7724-0.8585 gr/ml, viscosity 4.5485-5.3672 cSt, acid number 1.1222-2.2444, moisture content 0.034-0.246%, and flash point 150-170ᴼC. While the use of activated carbon catalyst was impregnated with NaOH using variations in the amount of catalyst 3, 4, and 5% w/w oil and the reaction temperature50, 55, 60, and 65ᴼC, obtained the highest biodiesel yield on the use of 3% w/w catalyst oil at 60ᴼC, with the quality of biodiesel density 0.89282-0.90722 gr/ml, viscosity 2.3439-4.1601 cSt, acid number 0.84165-2.2444, water content 0.000592-0.071963%, and flash point 128-153ᴼC. Dinna Khoiruummah, Novia Sundari, Mustain Zamhari, Yuniar ., Selastia Yuliati Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Efisiensi Termal Alat Pengering Tipe Tray Dryer Untuk Pengeringan Silika Gel Berbasis Ampas Tebu The silica gel drying process is one of the factors that determine the quality of the products produced. The dryer tray can be used to dry material in the form of thick solids or solids such as pasta, where the material to be dried can be spread evenly on the drying racks. In this study, the performance of the dryer is reviewed by obtaining its thermal efficiency, where thermal efficiency is the percentage of the amount of heat used in the drying process of silica gel made from bagasse and in accordance with the standards of JIS-0701. The design research method of the tray dryer tool is to carry out a functional design approach to know the functions of the unit of equipment used and through a structural approach to obtain the dimensions of the tool. Furthermore, data collection was carried out on the condition of the silica gel drying operation made from bagasse raw material and then poured in mass balance and energy balance. Based on the results of the calculation of thermal drying efficiency to dry the silica gel that the longer the drying process, the lower the thermal efficiency produced. The highest thermal efficiency is in the drying process for 60 minutes, which is 86.4%. The optimum condition for drying silica gel made from sugarcane pulp according to standard JIS-0701 is with a drying time of 360 minutes, drying rate of 0.019 𝑘𝑔/ℎ𝑟.𝑚2, and water content of 0.81%. The Si-OH function group in silica gel produced through XRD and FTIR analysis is in the amorphous form. Nur Annisa Yuliasdini, Suci Utami Putri, Tasya Athira Makaminan, Selatia Yuliati, Fadarina . Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Kinerja Generator Set 1300 Watt Berbahan Bakar Campuran Bensin Dengan Minyak Hasil Konversi Sampah Plastik Jenis Polypropylene (PP) Atau Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) <em>This research conducted in Energy Engineering Laboratory State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya with purpose to get the influence of the electrical load (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 watt) and ratio liquid fuel product with gasoline (0:5, 1:4, 2:3, 3:2, 4:1, dan 5:0) towards performance liquid fuel the result of conversion Polypropylene (PP) plastic waste on the unit prototype plastic waste power plant (PLTSa) with design capacity 1 KWH in terms of Spesific Fuel Consumption (SFC) value, Torque and effective power generator set. This research using a design research methods that is continued by experiments. Effective power and torque analyzed using tachometer, Multimeter, and Stopwatch while Spesific fuel consumption calculation of liquid fuel consumption. Analysis of this data using descriptive statistical analysis that is describing collected data after being given treatment during the research, by presenting data in the form of tables, graphs, and calculations. The results of the research show that the ratio BBC : gasoline 2:3 with 800 Watt Electrical load produced of engine power, torque, and SFC optimal with results 1.280 Hp, 173.611 Nm, and 0.461 Kg/Hp.hour with type of Polypropylene plastic, while type of Low Density Polyethylene plastic have the result 1.259 Hp, 170.753 Nm, and 0.536 Kg/Hp.hour. so that by mixing it can save conventional fuel specially gasoline with mixing liquid fuel the result of the conversion plastic waste, but does not reduce the</em> Ridual Hijria Gandha, Indah Lestari, Ariska Dwi Putri, Tahdid ., Lety Trisnaliany Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Pemanfaatan Biji Bintaro (Cerbera Manghas L) Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Biodiesel Dan Biopelet Untuk Pengembangan Energi Baru Terbarukan <em>Along with the increasing use of fossil fuels, the fossil energy reserves are increasingly depleting. The wealth of vegetable oil sources should be used to move to new renewable energy that is more environmentally friendly, one of them is biomass energy. Biomass energy can come from vegetable oils. Bintaro plants (Cerbera manghas L) contain cerberine poisons and are often wasted in vain. The oil content ranges from 25% to 40% so that it is very potential to be extracted through continuous Screw Pressing technology, the pulp can be directly used as solid fuel (Biopellet) while bintaro seed oil will proceed to the process of making biodiesel Through the transesterification process with a temperature of 65oC. Degumming process is needed before the process of making biodiesel by using weak acids, the use of a solution of citric acid in the degumming process of Bintaro seed oil is more effective. The higher the concentration of the acid solution, the lower the yield of oil produced. The conversion process from triglycerides to methyl ester is obtained by reacting it with a Potassium methoxide catalyst. Based on this study the highest yield of biodiesel was obtained using 0.6% wt KOH, that is, 87.81% with characterization which are still in the value of SNI values (SNI 7182 :2015) . The best quality of biopellet is at a temperature of 210oC with a rotation of 10Hz with a moisture content 2.00%, and the heating value 6689.58 cal / gr. The characterization of it’s still in the range of SNI values (SNI 8021:2014).</em> Fadilah Rabiul Nada Mudia, Fathona Saptara, Sahid Supriyanto, Ahmad Zikri, Fatria ., Irawan Rusnadi Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Pemanfaatan Biji Kepayang (Pangium Edule Reinw) Menjadi Biodiesel Dan Biopelet Dengan Menggunakan Alat Screw Oil Press Machine <em>Energy is a major need in all aspects of life in all countries. The increasing population on earth, the number of needs is also increasing, so that energy consumption also increases which causes the availability of reserves of non-renewable energy such as petroleum depleting. One solution to reduce dependence on fossil energy is the discovery of alternative fuels, one of which is biopellet. The purpose of this research is to get biopelet from seed meal of Kepayang which has a compact structure and does not break easily, to obtain optimum conditions in the form of temperature and screw rotation from raw material of seed meal of kepayang with a cold oil press machine, to obtain the best quality biopellet according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 8021-2014), reduce the impact of environmental pollution due to waste from seed meal of kepayang. The number of biopellet samples tested in this research were 12 samples with variations in temperature parameters and screw rotation. Temperature variations in this research were 100ᵒC,150ᵒC,200ᵒC and 10 Hz,15 Hz,20 Hz,25 Hz screw turns at each temperature variation. From the results of the research, it was found that the best variation of biopellet was a sample at a temperature of 200ᵒC with a 25 Hz screw rotation. This variation results in a heating value of 5752.6780 cal/gr, moisture content of 1.8692%, density of 1.4216 gr/cm3, ash content of 2.7523%, volatile matter 75.5818%, and fixed carbon 19.7967% . The heating value, density, moisture content, volatile matter and fixed carbon have fulfilled in SNI 8021 - 2014 standard, but the ash content only have fullfilled in PERMEN ESDM NO.47 standard and several country standards such as England, Japan, France and America.</em> Djiquwatan Abrar, M. Hidayat Reftalani, Tia Hanifah, Irawan Rusnadi, Erlinawati . Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Produksi Air Minum Dari Air Pdam Dengan Cara Dimasak Dan Menggunakan Metode Reverse Osmosis <p><em>Water is the main requirement that humans need because 60-70% of body fluids need water to carry the remnants of metobolism, food saris, and also the body stabilizer. Bottled drinking water is a means for the body not to lack of fluids which can cause hydration in the human body. The drinking water used is the raw water from the PDAM which the water condition has been trusted and especially has been treated before flowing to the community. This study aims to make bottled drinking water using raw water from the PDAM so that the water obtained includes clean water. In this study raw water treatment will be carried out using RO (reverse osmosis) and UV lamp membranes to better ensure that the water to be sold and obtained as bottled drinking water meets the MOH Regulation No. 492 / MENKES / PER / IV / 2010. In addition, it also aims to find out which drinking water is good for sale to produce bottled drinking water both by the cooked method and using the reverse osmosis method. In drinking water treatment with RO (reverse osmosis) is done by varying the output time of the process, namely: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes and in drinking water that is processed by cooking using a gas stove is done by varying the volume of water will be cooked namely 1 l, 2 l, 3 l, 4 l, and 5 l. The parameters tested are PH, TDS, Turbidity and the effect of UV lamps in the water treatment process with the reverse osmosition method to analyze microbes produced from the process output and analyze microbes contained in the raw water used. The results of the analysis show that bottled water treatment using RO (reverse osmosis) and boiled drinking water in the TDS parameter is 0.28 ppm, pH is 6.92 and Turbidity is 0.11 NTU and the parameter for water cooked TDS is 0.43 ppm, PH is 6.99 and turbidity of 0.81 NTU does not exceed the standard of the MOH Number 492 / MENKES / PER / IV / 2010. Economic results from prices and workers show that it is more economical to treat drinking water using RO compared to treatment with boiled water because it takes only a few workers to treat water using the RO method compared to boiled water because cooking water requires many workers. BEP (break-even point) in drinking water by processing using RO membranes and drinking water by cooking produces BEP sales that reach the break-even point and get profit is drinking water treatment with RO membrane that is BEP selling Rp. 14,596,000 with a capital of Rp. 11,096,000 obtained a profit of Rp. 3,500,000 boiled drinking water takes two boasting to get capital back.</em></p> Juwita Arrahma Wijayanti, Darnia Anita, Erwana Dewi, Selastia Yuliati Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Prototipe Pengering Tipe Rak Dengan Sumber Energi Sel Fotovoltaik (Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Udara Pengering Pada Kerupuk) <p><em>Solar energy is non-conventional energy obtained by changing solar thermal energy through certain equipment</em><em>s</em><em>. Based on observation in 1 Ulu Palembang, some people have produced crackers on a home industry scale with a total production capacity of 1000 kg in a single manufacture. Drying crackers is still done manually. The drying process is often constrained by weather factors. Thus, a dryer is designed using photovoltaic solar cell energy and thermal backup unit. To find out whether the dryer has been designed to work effectively and in accordance </em><em>to</em><em> its design</em><em>s</em><em>, it is necessary to conduct a study of the performance of the dryer in form of technical calculations that </em><em>take</em><em> the problem to determine the value of specific energy consumed, heat vaporation of H<sub>2</sub>O , and thermal efficiency</em><em> of </em><em>cracker drying process. From the calculation results, specific energy consumption consisted of 172</em><em>;</em><em> 121</em><em>;</em><em>113</em><em>.</em><em>8</em><em>;</em><em> 107</em><em>.</em><em>5</em><em>;</em><em>105</em><em>.</em><em>15</em><em>;</em><em>103</em><em>.</em><em>37</em><em>;</em><em> 97</em><em>.</em><em>11</em><em>;</em><em> 96</em><em>.</em><em>97</em><em>;</em><em> 98</em><em>.</em><em>68</em><em>;</em><em> 96</em><em>.</em><em>22 kJ/kg. H<sub>2</sub>O evaporation heat 150</em><em>.</em><em>9563</em><em>; </em><em>499</em><em>.</em><em>0338</em><em>; </em><em>701</em><em>.</em><em>4600</em><em>;</em><em> 469</em><em>.</em><em>9254</em><em>;</em><em> 700</em><em>.</em><em>5107</em><em>; </em><em>417</em><em>.</em><em>1445</em><em>; </em><em>506</em><em>.</em><em>1046</em><em>;</em><em> 705</em><em>.</em><em>2896</em><em>; </em><em>914</em><em>.</em><em>4727</em><em>;</em><em> 937</em><em>.</em><em>0139kj </em><em>and thermal efficiency 32, 36, 40, 49, 53, 57, 69, 73, 78, 80 %</em><em> of </em><em>air velocity variations of 1- 10 m /s.</em></p> Muhammad Evit Kurniawan, Nurul Komariah, Yossy Karlina, Yohandri Bow Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Prototype Pengering Tipe Rotary (Uji Kinerja Pada Pengeringan Ampas Kelapa Dan Tongkol Jagung Untuk Produksi Bahan Bakar Biopelet) <p><em>Fossil fuels are Indonesia’s dominant energy source. Mostly, Indonesia still depends on petroleum and coal for our energy consumption. Therefore, biomass as a renewable energy source is an effort to reduce the fossil energy usage in Indonesia. Biopellet is one of the processing of biomass into solid fuel. One of the process is drying. There are several variables which can be used in dryer prototype research such as fixed variables of mixture comparison of raw materials, drying time, and drying temperature, while the non-fixed variable used is air speed dryer. The research result showed that the largest evaporation of H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O mass, the largest heat of H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O in the air, the largest vaporized heat of H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O, the largest rate of bi</em><em>o</em><em>pellet water content andcalor energy was at speed of 6 m/s. Based on the design, evaporation on H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O mass, the heat of H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O in the air, the water content and the largest rate of bio-pellet calorat a drying air speed of 6 m/s. According the total design, evaporation on H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O mass was 23.579 grams, H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O heat in the air was 267.659 cal, the heat of evaporated H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O was 12653.10 cal. Meanwhile, from actual calculation, evaporation on H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O mass was 23.50 gram, H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O heat in the air was 264.55 cal, the heat of evaporated H</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>O was 12537.20 cal, water content of biopellet was 6.47% and the rate of biopellet calor was 4655.0668 cal/gram. </em></p> Indah Dwi Lestari, Joko Prasetio, Yenni Komala Sari, Puspita Anggraini, Sutini Pujiastuti Lestari, Adi Syakdani, Arizal Azwan, Zulkarnain ,, Yohandri Bow Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Prototype Sistem Control Suhu Dengan Metode Pid Pada Tray Dryer Mie Jagung Hi-Calcium <p><em>Drying method principally is the evaporation process of water from the wet material whose the purpose to obtain the product with the certain moisture content. Researcher uses controlling method of PID (Proportional, Integrative, and Derivative) to control the heater in tray dryer unit. This controller controls the room temperature inside the dryer to make it stable so that the dried product can be obtained fast and efficiently. The controlling process of the tray dryer is able to affect the product consists of its temperature, humidity, error, output controller, rising time, the value of proportionality constants (Kp), Integrative constants (Ki) and derivative constants (Kd). The research components consist of transducer in the form of a thermocouple temperature sensor TW-N Pt 100 type K, Humidity DHT-21, microcontroller, and the final controlling element of the heating element and a booster motor which are integrated by software Arduino, then the performance of this controller is tested. Testing result shows that the controlling method of Proportional, Integrative, and Derivative (PID) has a measurement error as much as ± 0.1167 ⁰C, variable interval is about 45</em><em> </em><em>– 70 ⁰C, rising time of 300 seconds, 100 rpm output controller, the value of proportional constants (Kp) is 9.1, Integrative constants (Ki) is 0.3 and Derivative constants (Kp) is 1.8 within the air flux is about 1.047 to 2.36 m/s. The application of temperature controlling system using tray dryer unit produces moisture contents as much as 5-10% so that by this design of temperature controlling system is able to be applied upon the tray dryer unit.</em><em></em></p> Lastiko Whisnu Bramantyo, Andhika Sandi Panorama, Yuniar ,, Robet Junaidi Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Rancang Bangun Alat Pirolisis Dengan Pemanas Induksi Untuk Mengkonversi Limbah Plastik Menjadi Bahan Bakar Cair Ditinjau Dari Temperatur Terhadap Hasil Produk Yang Dihasilkan <p><em>Pyrolysis is the process of degradation or decomposition of solid materials into heat-assisted gases in the absence of oxygen. In this pyrolysis process plastic waste will be converted into alternative fuel using an induction heater. Pyrolysis is carried out using a temperature variation of 120, 130 and 140ºC with a time of thawing 2 hours for each temperature. From the results of research on plastic types LDPE and PP it is known that the optimum temperature obtained from this study is at a temperature of 140ºC. In LDPE type plastics with a volume of oil produced 66 ml, density 0.760 gr / ml, flash point 30ºC, and% yield 10.795%. And in PP type plastics with a volume of oil produced 70 ml, density 0.721 gr / ml, flash point 31ºC, and% yield 10.243%.</em></p> Fanrisan Januero P, Widya Dwijulianty, Frieske Asya Mahafire D, Muhammad Qurais Akbar, K. A. Ridwan, Zurohaina , Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Prototipe Reaktor Hidrotermal Pengolahan Sampah Menjadi Bahan Bakar Padat <p><em>Trash is a waste material both from animals, humans and plants which is well used again and released into nature in the form of solids, liquids and gases. Based on data from the Environment and Hygiene Office of the City of Palembang, the amount of garbage in the last 6 years in Sukawinatan Final Disposal Site continues to increase every year, from 2013 to 2018 the amount of waste increased from 202,940,92</em><em>8</em><em>kg to 264,858,892kg</em><em>. </em><em>To overcome this problem, a prototype of a hydrothermal reactor was designed which processes waste into solid fuel or briquettes. In this study the independent variables observed were temperature operation</em><em> and stirring speed</em><em>, T</em><em>em</em><em>perature</em><em> and stirring speed</em><em> variations are done to see the effect </em><em>of </em><em>temperature </em><em>and stirring speed </em><em>to heating value of solid fuel. </em><em>the results showed that the higher the operating temperature</em><em> and stirring speed</em><em>, the higher the fuel heating value</em><em> of </em><em>temperature</em><em> and stirrng speed</em><em>. The highest calorific value produced at operating </em><em>stirring speed</em><em> of </em><em>350 rpm </em><em>is equal to </em><em>7056.4546</em><em> kal</em><em>/</em><em>gr, with </em><em>7.90</em><em>% ash content; vollatile matter </em><em>47.67</em><em>%; water content of </em><em>22.97</em><em>% and fixed carbon 2</em><em>1.46</em><em>%.</em></p> Ali Satria Wijaya, Susilo Eko Pebrianto, Yuniar Balqis, Sutini Pudjiastuti Lestari, Arizal Aswan, Ida Febriana Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Uji Performansi Disk Mill Dan Vibrating Screen (Discreen) Dalam Pembuatan Tepung Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) <p><em>Cassava is one of the local ingredient that can be used to make mocaf flour (modified cassava flour) as an alternative to subtitute the wheat flour. Mocaf is a cassava flour that modified through fermentation process by lactic acid bacteria, so that the functional characteristic change and can be used to substitute the wheat flour to make the product that using wheat flour. The purpose of this research is to determine the performance of disc mill and vibrating screen on the process of making mocaf flour in terms of the chip incoming water content effect and the mesh size of screen for mocaf flour according to SNI. The result of the research conducted if the exact water content is 12.5% with 99.3% yield and siege capacity is 2.9 kg/h. So to determine the performance of screener conducted research by varying the size in 60, 80,100 mesh and different sieving time. The result of the research found the optimum time is nine minutes with the average undersize around 87.84%, while for the lowest flour water content is around 12.8% from the particle that out in 60 mesh sieve.</em></p> Marlisa ,, Herlisya Diana, Muhammad Yerizam, Robert Junaidi, Fadarina , Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Prosiding Seminar Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0700