Efisiensi Termal Alat Pengering Tipe Tray Dryer Untuk Pengeringan Silika Gel Berbasis Ampas Tebu
Kata Kunci:
Bagasse, Silica Gel, Tray Dryer, Thermal EfficiencyAbstrak
The silica gel drying process is one of the factors that determine the quality of the products produced. The dryer tray can be used to dry material in the form of thick solids or solids such as pasta, where the material to be dried can be spread evenly on the drying racks. In this study, the performance of the dryer is reviewed by obtaining its thermal efficiency, where thermal efficiency is the percentage of the amount of heat used in the drying process of silica gel made from bagasse and in accordance with the standards of JIS-0701. The design research method of the tray dryer tool is to carry out a functional design approach to know the functions of the unit of equipment used and through a structural approach to obtain the dimensions of the tool. Furthermore, data collection was carried out on the condition of the silica gel drying operation made from bagasse raw material and then poured in mass balance and energy balance. Based on the results of the calculation of thermal drying efficiency to dry the silica gel that the longer the drying process, the lower the thermal efficiency produced. The highest thermal efficiency is in the drying process for 60 minutes, which is 86.4%. The optimum condition for drying silica gel made from sugarcane pulp according to standard JIS-0701 is with a drying time of 360 minutes, drying rate of 0.019 ð‘˜ð‘”/â„Žð‘Ÿ.ð‘š2, and water content of 0.81%. The Si-OH function group in silica gel produced through XRD and FTIR analysis is in the amorphous form.Referensi
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