KINETIKA <p><strong>KINETIKA (pISSN: 1693-9050 and e-ISSN: 2623-1417)</strong> is a journal published by Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. It was published three times per year on March, July, and November. Focused on original articles in the form of technical and vocational research results or literature review in the field of Energy and Conversion Technology; Chemical Reaction Technique; Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis; Transport Phenomenom; Chemical Engineering Operating Unit; Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimzation; Separation and Purification Unit; Material Technology, Material Development, New and Advanced Material; Food Technology and Bioprocess; Chemical Process and Industry; and Industry Fieldwork.</p> <p>Any questions regarding to the submission on journal can contact us through our e-mail :</p> <p>The template of the journal can be downloaded on the link below:</p> <p><em><sub><img src="" alt="" width="34" height="9" /></sub></em></p> Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya en-US KINETIKA 1693-9050 ANALISIS DAMPAK BASE SEDIMENT & WATER TERHADAP LAJU KOROSI INTERNAL PIPELINE API 5L Gr B <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Base Sediment &amp; Water (BS&amp;W) is indicated high has to be as a corrosion factor in the pipeline. Corrosion is the damage or degradation of metals due to oxidation-reduction reactions between a metal and various substances in its environment which produce unnecessary compounds. Corrosion can be influenced by several factors, such as NaCl content, BS&amp;W composition, dissolved gas content, pH, flow rate and temperature. The composition of BS&amp;W can have an impact on the corrosion rate of the API 5L Gr B steel pipe.</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em> </em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Keywords : Pipeline, BS&amp;W, Corrosion Rate</em></p> Muhammad iqbal Pangindoman Ahmad Zikri Selastia Yuliati Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 1 6 PROCESSING OF CRUDE PALM OIL (CPO) INTO RED PALM OIL(RPO) USING ZEOLITE, CERAMIC MEMBRANE AND CARTRIDGE FILTER <p><em>In the manufacture of red palm oil using zeolite rock filtration, ceramic membranes and cartridge filters.Natural zeolite that can separate two or more phases of substances by using a porous ceramic membrane which is intended to separate the particles in Crude Palm Oil later. In the design of supporting tools in the manufacture of red palm oil using ceramic membrane filtration and Zeolite rocks include: CPO Filter, Stirrer, Coagulator, Stove, Circulation Pump, Zeolite Rock, Ceramic Membrane, Filter Cartridge, and Red Palm Oil Product Tank. For the treatment in this experiment, 0.1 ml of sulfuric acid and 250 ml of sodium hydroxide were added as degumming and neutralization with variations in time (</em><em>2</em><em>, 4, </em><em>6 &nbsp;minutes</em><em>) and temperature (40℃, 60℃ and 80℃) with an operating pressure of 5 bar. In the results of red palm oil products, it was found that the Fatty Acids</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>free and the peroxide value exceeds the standard of red palm oil sold in the market. The effect of the flux obtained decreases because the pores in the ceramic membrane begin to become clogged so that the volume of permeate that comes out of the oil sample decreases. The rejection obtained in this study made the rejection data increase and the beta carotene produced decreased. The results showed that the temperature of 60℃ is the optimum temperature in red palm oil research.</em></p> Yudis Afrizal Erwana Dewi Mustain Zamhari Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 11 19 KINETIKA ADSORPSI LOGAM Cu DAN Zn PADA LIMBAH CAIR KELAPA SAWIT MENGGUNAKAN MEMBRAN SILIKA <p><em>Heavy metals can cause environmental pollution and affect human health. Cu and Zn are often found in the environment. One method to reduce Cu and Zn is to use the adsorption method. Adsorption has become a competitive method in the field of wastewater. Adsorption kinetics is one of the main factors that must be understood before the application of any adsorbent. In each adsorption process, linear or non-linear analysis of the kinetics was applied. A fit index (correlation coefficient or sum of squares) was applied to access the best model. The purpose of this study was to determine the adsorption equation model, to obtain the adsorption kinetics of Cu and Zn metals using a silica membrane. The methodology used is silica extraction by precipitation method and then the process of making PVA and PEG membranes as adhesives and solvents. For the analysis of metal concentrations of Cu and Zn, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was used, while for membrane morphology analysis, a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used. From the process of applying silica membrane to palm oil liquid waste, the results of Pseudo Order 1 absorption kinetics for Cu metal (artificial solution) with k value of artificial Cu metal (4M) 0.0596, and k value of artificial Cu metal (8M) 0.0022, while the Pseudo Order 1 absorption kinetics for Zn metal with a k value of Zn metal (4M) 0.0077, and a k value of Zn metal (8M) 0.0109.</em></p> Feni Sri Erani Abu Hasan Indah Purnamasari Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 31 36 PEMBUATAN METIL ESTER SULFONAT DARI METIL ESTER BERBASIS CRUDE PALM OIL DENGAN VARIASI WAKTU DAN AGENT SULFONASI <p>Surfactants are chemical compounds that are surface active that can reduce surface tension. Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES) is an anionic surfactant that can be produced from the reaction of methyl esters made from vegetable oils with sulfonating agents. Palm oil is vegetable oils that can be produced as MES surfactants. This study aims to make MES from methyl esters based on Crude Palm Oil (CPO) with various sulfonating agents (NaHSO<sub>3</sub>; Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>; H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> ) and time variations (120; 150; 180; 210; 240 minutes). To speed up the reaction in the sulfonation process, the addition of a 2% Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> catalyst was used. The process of making MES is through the sulfonation process, the next process is the process of purification, neutralization, and drying. The results obtained the best sulfonating agent, namely Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> at 240 minutes with a surface tension value of 26.2421 dyne/cm, an acid number of 1.6830 mg KOH/g MES and emulsion stability up to 10 minutes.</p> Dian Anisa Destryanti Jaksen Selastia Yuliati Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 7 10 SILICA-REDUCED SILICON FROM COAL FLY ASH FOR HYDROGEN MANUFACTURING <p><em>Coal fly ash waste is a mineral residue in fine grains produced from the coal burning process from the coal-fired power plant. Coal fly ash contains chemical elements including silica (SiO</em><em><sub>2</sub></em><em>) which reaches 40%. Silica has many benefits in the industrial world, one of which can be used as a material for making silicone (Si). The purpose of this study is to make silicon and purify the resulting silicon with variations in the amount of reducers, and the application of silicon to make hydrogen with NaOH variations. In this study silicon insulation used silica:magnesium variations in a ratio of 1:0.5; 1:0,8 and 1:1. Furthermore, the variation of NaOH in the manufacture of hydrogen with concentrations of 2 M, 2.5 and 3 M. The methodology used is silica extraction by precipitation method, silicon isolation by metallothermal method, silicon purification with HCl and hydrogen manufacturing with NaOH. Silicone making is carried out by reducing silica with magnesium which is then in a furnace for 3 hours with a temperature of 650°C. The best result obtained at silicone manufacturing is a ratio of 1:1 with an intensity of 1905 cps and the yield obtained reaches 92%. Si 1:1 was then used for the manufacture of hydrogen and obtained the largest volume of 0.97 liters with a gas content of 2.647 ppm.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Silicon, Silica, Coal Fly Ash, Hydrogen, Metalothermal Method</em></p> Eti Nurmahdani Robert Junaidi Indah Purnamasari Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 20 25 SYNTHESIS OF RICE HUSK ASH CATALYST IMPREGNATED WITH CaO EGG SHELL AND KOH TO PRODUCE BIODIESEL FROM WASTE COOKING OIL <p><em>Rice husk ash (RHA) produced from combustion at high temperatures has the main composition of silica (SiO<sub>2</sub>) which makes ASP as a potential catalyst support in the triglyceride transesterification process</em><em> to increase the activity of CaO catalyst</em><em>. CaO is one of the most popular types of heterogeneous catalysts because it is easily found in nature such as egg shells. </em><em>Because</em><em> CaO has drawbacks such as low reaction rate, easy reaction with air, and leaching, which reduces its catalytic activity and reduces biodiesel yield</em><em>, </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>f</em><em>or this reason, it is necessary to insert alkali metals such as K from KOH and rice husk ash as support. This study aims to obtain heterogeneous CaO/KOH/ASP catalysts with high catalytic activity, determine the optimal ratio of CaO/KOH/ASP catalysts and determine its characterization based on the yield and quality of biodiesel produced and produce biodiesel that meets SNI. In this research, the catalyst manufacture was carried out using the wet impregnation method, where the mass of CaO:ASP with varying masses (0:10, 2.5:7.5; 5:5; and 7.5:2.5) was immersed in a KOH solution which was also varied. concentrations are 25%, 30%, and 35%. The catalyst was then calcined to be activated and tested in the manufacture of biodiesel. In this study, a catalyst with high catalytic activity was obtained with the optimum ratio at CaO:ASP 2.5:7.5 and KOH 25%, where the biodiesel yield obtained was 94.62% with a density of 0.876 gr/ml, viscosity 3.75 cSt, flash point 151.10C, cetane number 66.99 and methyl ester content of 96.21%. The quality of biodiesel produced has complied with SNI. </em></p> Ainirahmah Ismaraniah Nurhasyiri Mustain Anerasari Mediniariasty Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 56 61 ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE SPENT BLEACHING EARTH AS AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL IN PT. SEMEN BATURAJA (PERSERO) TBK <p>Hazardous waste of Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) which is processed by PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk is used as<br />an alternative fuel to replace coal, whose price continues to rise, because SBE still contains oil in it. However, the use<br />of hazardous waste of SBE can affect the specific heat consumption needed in the operation of the rotary kiln machine<br />and the ash content in it can affect the quality of the clinker produced. With the percentage of SBE alternative fuel<br />mixture to coal fuel of 0%, 1,12%, 2,07%, 3,13%, 4,09%, 4,93%, 6,13% and 6,88%, the analysis carried out on of<br />specific heat consumption, fuel cost efficiency, rotary kiln machine operation and its effect on the quality of the clinker<br />product produced. From the results of this case study, with an increase in the percentage of the SBE mixture, the ash<br />value of the mixed fuel trend to increase but is not significant, while the calorific value of this fuel mixture trend to<br />decrease. The conclusion that can be drawn from the use of hazardous waste of SBE as an alternative fuel with a<br />mixture percentage of 0% to 6.88% is that as the fuel mixture ratio increases, specific heat consumption decreases,<br />fuel cost efficiency increases, fuel requirements become lower, compared to not using hazardous waste of SBE<br />alternative fuel and has no significant effect on the quality of the clinker product produced.<br />Key words: Hazardous waste, Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE), Alternative fuel, Rotary kiln, Clinker</p> Robiansyah Mustain Martha Aznury Safaruddin Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 49 55 PERFORMANCE TEST OF BIOBRICKET STOVE PROTOTYPE REVIEWING FROM VARIATIONS OF HEIGHT OF THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER MAT AND THE UTILIZATION OF WASTE HEAT USING THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR <p><em>Biobriquette stove is one type of stove that can be developed as a renewable energy source. This biobriquette stove is also one of the best solutions in improving the briquette combustion system so far which is still less desirable and the treatment is still traditional. The prototype of this biobriquette stove was carried out to test the performance using the hot start water boiling test (WBT) method. In this study, primary air is supplied by a blower with a speed of 6.8 m/s, and the use of heat from the combustion chamber which can be converted into electrical energy by a thermoelectric generator component with the largest voltage obtained is 10 Volts. Performance testing of this biobriquette stove prototype refers to SNI 7926:2013, this prototype is included in the medium size stove category because it has a maximum capacity of 3 kg with an operating time of 2 ours 58 minutes. The best thermal efficiency obtained is 28,27% with a specific fuel consumption (Sc) of 0.61 kg/h, the greater the efficiency value, the smaller the fuel consumption, and for the best combustion efficiency, the value is 0.9927.</em></p> Arif Zakiatul Fikri Anisa Rahmawati Agus Manggala Zurohaina Jaksen Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 LIQUID TREATMENT OF JUMPUTAN FABRIC INDUSTRY WASTE TO REMOVE DYE BY USING ULTRAFILTRATION POLYSULFON MEMBRANE <p>Palembang Jumputan Fabric, or commonly called Rainbow Fabric, one of the crafts produced with the jumputan technique, (Tie and Dye) is a technique of dyeing fabric by dipping it in colored ink, by adding silk and satin materials with a natural mixture of coloring method of natural and chemical origins. There have been many studies regarding the treatment of jumputan fabric wastewater using adsorbents, but this method has a weakness. Similarly, it allows the adsorbent to be left behind in the jumputan fabric wastewater. The purpose of this research is to treat the liquid waste of jumputan fabric with polysulfone membrane to reduce dry stuff . The membrane will be made using DMAc solvent and a PEG 400 additive with a composition of 18% polysulfone; 62% Dmac; and 20% PEG. The liquid waste of jumputan cloth will be purified with polysulfone membrane by ultrafiltration. In this study, the liquid waste of jumputan fabrics with variations of PAC Coagulants 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, and 1500 ppm was used, as well as with pressure variations of 0.5, ; 1; 1.5 , and 2 bars. From the results of the study, it was found that the rejection of the dye was 23.69%.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Liquid Waste, Polysulfone, Ultrafiltration</p> Putri Chairani Putri Chairani Selastia Yuliati Jaksen Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2022-11-01 2022-11-01 13 03 26 30 EFFICIENCY OF THE TRAYS NUMBER IN DE ETHANIZER COLUMN AT PT. TITIS SAMPURNA LPG PLANT LIMAU TIMUR <p><em>Distillation is the most used separation and purification method in the chemical industry. The main products at PT. Titis Sampurna is an LPG. Before becoming an LPG product, the ethane component must be separated first. De-Ethanizer Column is the place where the separation of ethane content is still contained in the feed. During running time, the flow rate entering the DeEthanizer Column has decreased significantly. So it is necessary to calculate the minimum Tray in order to get optimal results, as well as to understand the function and workings of the DeEthanizer Column Based on the calculation results, the number of theoretical Trays obtained was 14 Trays. So the De-Ethanizer Column operated well in separating the ethane content which was still contained in the feed</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Distillation, De-Ethanizer Column, Theoretical Tray </em></p> Aliyah Shahab Achmad Faisal Copyright (c) 2022 KINETIKA 2011-11-01 2011-11-01 13 03 62 66