Pengukuran Tingkat Kapabilitas Teknologi Informasi Pada Perum BULOG Kantor Cabang Lhokseumawe


  • Angga Pratama Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Bella Fadillah Rahmah Rumagit Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Muhammad Ikhwani Universitas Malikussaleh



Information technology provides great benefits to every organization by facilitating decision making and streamlining operational activities and daily business processes. Perum BULOG Lhokseumawe Branch Office is a company that implements information technology. COBIT 2019 is the framework used in this research which has standards for implementing information technology governance. References from annual reports can be used as a reference in analyzing the level of information technology capabilities in companies using the COBIT 2019 design factor toolkit. After analyzing the questionnaire distributed using a Likert scale, process objectives that can be evaluated. The calculation results are obtained with the following capability level results, APO03 is at capability level 1 and has a gap of 2, APO12 is at capability level 2 and has a gap of 1, APO13 is at capability level 3 and has no gap, namely 0, BAI01 is at capability level 2 and has a gap of 1, BAI02 is at capability level 1 and has a gap of 2, BAI03 is at capability level 1 and has a gap of 3, BAI06 is at capability level 1 and has a gap of 3, BAI07 is at capability level 2 and has a gap worth 1, BAI10 is at capability level 1 and has a gap worth 3. Objectives that have a gap will be given recommendations.


Keywords—Information Technology, COBIT 2019, Capability Level, gap


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How to Cite

Angga Pratama, Rumagit, B. F. R., & Muhammad Ikhwani. (2024). Pengukuran Tingkat Kapabilitas Teknologi Informasi Pada Perum BULOG Kantor Cabang Lhokseumawe . JUPITER: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Dan Teknologi Komputer, 16(2), 573–587.