
  • Nofiawaty Nofiawaty Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen Universitas Sriwijaya


Consumer, Multi atribut Fishbein, Attitude, Decision Making


 The objective of this research was to reveal consumer’s attitude to products Nissan X-Trail car and the important factors which were considered by consumers were choosing Nissan X-Trail car, so it can be seen the influence of customer attitude to customer decision with Nissan X-Trail car. The techniques for analyzing the data is the Multiatribut Fishbein Model  for the sample in this research was used 76 respondents. Based on the analysis multiatribut Fishbein model could be seen that the attitude scores of respondents on product attributes Nissan X-Trail which includes the attribute type of vehicle obtained AB score of 0.59, vehicle model attribute score obtained AB score of 1.02, attribute dimensions of the car body obtained AB score of 0.87, attributes of toughness vehicle engines obtained AB score of 0.55, attribute ease of vehicle engine maintenance obtained AB score of 0.74, vehicle transmission attributes obtained AB score of 0.54, attributes of fuel consumption obtained AB score of 0.92, vehicle exterior attributes obtained AB a score of 0.59, attribute vehicle interior obtained AB score of 0.75, attribute the quality of vehicle sound system obtained AB score of 0.70, and attribute completeness of vehicle safety features obtained AB score of 0.75. Where as the most dominant factor that consumers considered is selection Nissan X-trail car is attribute vehicle model. From the results of research in this research is on the whole score AB in the good category (score 1.21-0.4). so the attitude of respondent to attribute Nissan X-Trail car products that the score AB of attribute the kind of vehicle is 1.02, the score AB of attribute dimensions of the body’s car is 0.87 Nissan X-Trail car products is good.

Author Biography

Nofiawaty Nofiawaty, Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen Universitas Sriwijaya

Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen Universitas Sriwijaya

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