SNAPTEKMAS <p><strong>Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Masyarakat (SNAPTEKMAS), bertujuan untuk memberikan media publikasi kepada para dosen di Indonesia untuk mendeseminasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta menumbuhkan inspirasi untuk melakukan berbagai program pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat.</strong><em>.</em></p> POLITEKNIK NEGERI SRIWIJAYA en-US SNAPTEKMAS PEMBUATAN ASAP CAIR HASIL PIROLISIS LIMBAH KAYU AKASIA (Acacia Mangium Wild) DAN KAYU JATI (Tectona Grandis) MENJADI PESTISIDA ORGANIK DI SMA NEGERI 3 KAYUAGUNG <p><em>Currenly, there are issues or problems that occur in agricultural products, namely the presence of chemical residues that are still contained plants due to chemical pesticides, so that they can endanger human health. Besidethat there is also the issue of air pollution due to the processing of wood into charcoal. Therefore, based on these is issues, dedication was carried out at SMA Negeri 3 Kayuaagung so that in addition to providing scientific and technological insight regarding zero-smoke pollution into liquid smoke as an organic pesticide that can be used as an organic pesticide safe for plants. This counseling aims to foster creativity, and create an attitude of caring for the environment, as well as understanding the positive impact of waste management on the environment, healt, social and economy. This community service activity was also carried out to support the excellent Student Writing and Literacy (Katulistiwa) program carried out at the school. Counseling is in the form of brief presentations and demonstrations by showing videos of making liquid smoke in the form of organic pesticides</em>.</p> KA Ridwan Ida Febriana Fadarina Anerasari M Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 1 6 PENYULUHUAN KESEHATAN GIGI DAN MULUT SERTA PRODUK INOVASI BERUPA PASTA GIGI DARI EKSTRAK MENTIMUN <p>Accumulation of bacteria and food debris on the posterior part of the tongue can be a trigger factor for increased sulfur production and become the main source that causes halitosis to occur. Halitosis can be caused by systemic or oral conditions. Cucumber has potential as an antioxidant. In the phytochemical test, cucumber contained various active compounds, namely: steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, and saponins. The active compounds that play a role in antioxidant activity are flavonoids and phenolics. Flavonoids are secondary metabolites of polyphenols, compounds found in plants and food and have various bioactive effects including anti- viral, anti-inflammatory. Toothpaste is an ingredient that is used with a toothbrush to clean inaccessible places. It is recommended that you brush your teeth with toothpaste twice a day, after meals and before going to bed.</p> Faisal Damsi Aan Sugiyanto Dwi Sandi Fatra Riki Zakaria Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 7 14 PEMBUATAN BAHAN PENGAWET MAKANAN DARI ASAP CAIR SEBAGAI HASIL SAMPINGAN PENGOLAHAN TEMPURUNG KELAPA (Cococ Nucifera) DI SMA NEGERI 3 KAYUAGUNG <p><em>Currenly, there are 2(two) issues related to the environment and are developing, the first is the issues of chemical/ food preservative that must be avoide because they are detrimental to health such as formalin and borax. In addition, another issue is environmental pollution incluiding by-products in the form of smoke from the manufacture of coconut shell charcoal and/ or other processed organic materials such as palm oil, and others. Smoke pollution resulting from coconut shell processing needs to find a solution. Therefore, bosed on these issues, dedication at SMA Negeri 3 Kayuagung is carried out so that in addition to providing scientific and technological insight regarding zero-polution pyrolisis equipment (the smoke produced does not pollute the environment) by converting smoke pollution into liquid smoke as a food preservative. The purpose of this counseling is to add insight for teacher and students to know how to minimize air pollution produced in the process of making charcoal, and from this counseling teachers and students can understand the positive impact of utilizing waste for health, environment, social and economy.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>Food Preservative, Liquid Smoke, Coconut Shell, Pyrolisis</em></p> Ida Febriana Irawan Rusnadi Mustain Zamhari Isnandar Meilianti ChM. Muhammad ‘Azim Jamaluddin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 15 20 SOSIALISASI APLIKASI PREDIKSI PREFERENSI PROGRAM STUDI BAGI CALON PENDAFTAR DI UNIVERSITAS SJAKHJAKIRTI <p><em>Utilization of data into something useful value is the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0. Sjakhjakirti University has a New Student Admissions (PMB) division where there is a variety and a lot of PMB data that is not optimized properly. The proposed activity is how to use PMB data to become an application for predicting study program preferences for applicants, which in the end provides an overview of the strategies that the PMB division needs to carry out. The stages in this activity include initial workshops, data collection, field analysis, system development, making socialization materials and training modules, and evaluating activities. The final result shows an increase in partner knowledge of 81%.</em></p> Zulkarnaini Indra Griha Tofik Isa Leni Novianti Febie Elfaladonna Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 21 29 PEMBUATAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR (POC) UNTUK AGROWISATA TEKNO 44, KOREM 044/GAPO DESA GELEBAK DALAM KECAMATAN RAMBUTAN KABUPATEN BANYUASIN <p><em>Research roadmap for collaboration with 044 Tekno Agrotourism partners by utilizing organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer (POC). Sriwijaya State Polytechnic through the Research Master Plan (RIP), one of which is focused on technology and utilization of organic waste. Reducing the use of chemicals is an important step where this research is the answer to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil but cause the death of microorganisms. The production of POC is carried out by researchers by utilizing egg shells and onion skins as raw materials to be fermented. This study used a starter with raw materials of coconut water, sugar or molasses and starter seeds for 3 weeks. Utilization of microorganisms to decompose where microbes secrete enzymes as catalysts is more efficient at temperatures of 30-40 <sup>o</sup>C. The long-term goal is the development of this production into land in Agro-tourism Tekno 044 to become fertile and business for development to add economic value to the community. Optimizing the production of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) by utilizing raw materials from natural waste will add economic value. This POC will add to the agricultural industry by utilizing waste to return in the green industry.The development of the results of this research will certainly have an influence on the partners of Agro-tourism Tekno 044/ Korem 044 Gapo who support research innovation so that research will run smoothly</em></p> Martha Aznury Arizal Aswan Ahmad Zikri Nova Rachmadona Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 30 33 SOSIALISASI PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI HEALTH MAP PERSEBARAN PENYAKIT MENULAR (DEMAM BERDARAH) DI DINAS KESEHATAN PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN <p><em>This service activity provides understanding and knowledge to the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office in using the Health Map Application for the spread of infectious diseases (Dengue Fever). The health map application is an application that presents information on the spread of infectious diseases, especially dengue fever in the form of mapping or visualization of maps based on geographic information systems (GIS). For data input, the health map application is integrated with hospitals and health centers in South Sumatra Province so that the data displayed is real-time. This socialization carried out at the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office. The result of this service activity is an increase in the knowledge and ability of participants using the health map application.</em></p> Hetty Meileni Sony Oktapriandi Maivi Kusnandar A. Ari Gunawan Miftahul Jannah Aditya Cahya Nugraha Rahmat Zaki Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 34 38 PEMANFAATAN ENCENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes) DAN SEKAM PADI SEBAGAI MEDIA TANAM TERFERMENTASI ATAU HUMUS <p><em>The collaboration with 044 Tekno Agro-tourism partners by utilizing organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). Sriwijaya State Polytechnic through the Research Master Plan (RMP), one of which is focused on technology and utilization of organic waste. Reducing the use of chemicals is an important step where this research is the answer to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil but cause the death of microorganisms.The production of POC is carried out by researchers by utilizing egg shells and onion skins as raw materials to be fermented. This study used a starter with raw materials of coconut water, sugar or molasses and starter seeds for 3 weeks. Utilization of microorganisms to decompose where microbes secrete enzymes as catalysts is more efficient at temperatures of 30-40 <sup>o</sup>C. The long-term goal is the development of this production into land in Agro-tourism Tekno 044 to become fertile and business for development to add economic value to the community. Optimizing the production of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) by utilizing raw materials from natural waste will add economic value. This POC will add to the agricultural industry by utilizing waste to return in the green industry.The development of the results of this research will certainly have an influence on Agro-tourism partners Tekno 044/ Korem 044 Gapo who support research innovation so that research will run smoothly</em></p> Martha Aznury Arizal Aswan Ahmad Zikri Nova Rachmadona Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 39 41 PENYULUHAN PENANGANAN LIMBAH HASIL PEMBUATAN TAHU DI PADANG SELASA BUKIT LAMA, PALEMBANG <p><em>The tofu industry in the processing process produces waste, both solid and liquid waste. Tofu liquid waste with characteristics containing high organic matter and high levels of COD, TDS and Ammonia if directly discharged into water bodies, will obviously reduce the carrying capacity of the environment. So it is necessary to conduct counseling on how to handle tofu liquid waste, to reduce the risk of the existing pollution load. Counseling is carried out by conducting question and answer activities to partners regarding the processing of tofu liquid waste, then the partners are given directions regarding the handling of tofu liquid waste, namely by adding a coagulant in the form of PAC to the reservoir before being channeled through a paralon pipe to a septic tank which is devoted to accommodating tofu liquid waste. . After processing the hazardous parameters including COD, TDS, and Ammonia decreased so that they met the quality standards of liquid waste.</em></p> Selastia Yuliati Ibnu Hajar Putri Chairani Vernanda Febrianti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 42 47 DOKUMEN BISNIS DAN KEMASAN PADA USAHA IKAN SALAI PANCA JAYA <p><em>Community Service Activities are carried out at the Panca Jaya Salai Fish Business. In this activity, the implementing team assists in the development of the business by completing business documents in the form of notes and stamps. Product packaging is also prepared for partners using spunbond bags (goodie bags) with labels so that they can be used to promote the salai fish business. With a note that includes a business brand, a stamp, and a spunbond bag, it is possible to increase sales of salai fish produced by the Panca Jaya business. It is hoped that consumers will come from areas other than Banyuasin Regency.</em></p> Neneng Miskiyah Marieska Lupikawaty Titi Andriyani Siska Aprianti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 48 53 SOSIALISASI SUBSTITUSI PECAHAN GENTENG PADA AGREGAT KASAR DAN BAHAN TAMBAH BESTMITTEL DALAM CAMPURAN BETON TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN BETON <p><em>Socialization is one method that is often used to expand knowledge, technology, and innovation results. In its development, socialization has penetrated various aspects, including community service. Community service is one of the mandatory activities held every year. The intent and purpose of community service is to assist the community in overcoming problems and increasing knowledge of the community. Therefore socialization is considered appropriate to be used as a method of community service. The location of socialization is essential to choose according to the needs and benefits obtained later. The choice of location for socialization in this community service activity is based on the functions and duties of the government agency that oversees the problem of research results, namely the Palembang City Research and Development Agency. Through this activity, the Palembang City Research and Development Agency will be able to provide more significant benefits to the community later.</em></p> Fadhila Firdausa Sudarmadji M Sang Gumilang Yaswin Pratiwi Dhea Oktavia Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 55 58 PENYUSUNAN PROFIL RISIKO RANTAI PASOK PADA USAHA BUDIDAYA IKAN LELE <p><em>This service aims to help partners understand the risk profile of the supply chain in catfish farming, so that they can provide insights to partners and catfish farmers in managing risks in a simple way. Risk management is carried out using lecture and discussion methods. The stage begins by identifying activities that are routinely carried out in each catfish farming business supply chain. Identify risks based on risk events that have occurred in previous years or may occur currently. Risk analysis uses an ordinal risk assessment scale of 1-5 by calculating the value of the probability of a risk event and measuring its qualitative and financial impact on business profitability. Based on the risk profile arranged according to the level of the incident, the level of activity in each supply chain, information is obtained that the risk profile in the planning section (Plan) is orange or categorized as high risk. The risk profile in the production resource section (Source) is yellow or categorized as moderate risk. The risk profile in the production process section (Make) is dark green, or categorized as low risk. Furthermore, the supply chain risk profile at the stage of delivery and return of catfish that died during delivery is light green, or categorized as very low.</em></p> M Husni Maria Desi Indriasari Eka Fithri Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 59 66 SOIALISASI KERIPIK TEMPE BERANEKA WARNA DARI EKSTRAK DAUN SUJI,MKAYU SECANG DAN BUNGA TELANG DALAM KEMASAN <p><em>Home industry is a home business for goods or small companies, because this type of economic activity is centered at home. One type of home industry, namely small industry includes the food industry (food and beverage). The people of Srijaya Village generally make a living mostly as traders, workers as builders, online motorcycle taxi drivers and a few as civil servants, most of them are retired civil servants. In addition, there are those who have small home-based businesses. Community service is one form of activity that serves to bridge the world of education and society, in order to obtain a better life and mindset, in material and non-material forms. In addition, it aims to be able to master the Science, Technology, and Art of Creativity and about the importance of natural resources and how to use them. Therefore, the right solution is needed to encourage the RT 39 community, especially mothers, to utilize natural resources and produce quality products. Making tempe from soybeans of various colors from natural dyes from plants is done by lecture and practice methods. The application of the practice of making various snacks with raw materials of soybeans, yeast, Rhizophus, Sp., suji leaves, telang flowers, secang wood, with a fermentation process, various colored tempe products are processed into chips, by cutting the tempeh into thin sheets with The cutter knife is then prepared with flour dough with an additional spicy taste, salt and then fried in oil until crispy, then packaged in a ziplock plastic bag or plastic packaging and then glued with Plastic Sealer. With training on making confectionery products from product variables, it is hoped that the community will be able to apply it very effectively, it can also help change the mindset of the people of Srijaya Village, RT 39 towards the environment and can also help a better standard of living</em><em>.</em></p> Sofiah Sofiah Abu Hasan Idha Silviyati Ibnu Hajar Hak Cipta (c) 2023 SNAPTEKMAS 2023-05-12 2023-05-12 4 1 67 75