A superintendent as executor of building project must have complete competency ranging from communicating with stakeholders, knowledge of OHS, as well as core competencies of the work namely foundation, structural, architectural work and finally making reports on the results of work implementation. Because of the large number of competencies, it requires many time and cost to train a superintendant hence, on this occasion the service team agreed to limit activities by conducting training on structural work only. Most of the participants in the activity came from university education background where there was not much practical knowledge in the field. The partner of this service activity is the Association of Occupational Safety and Health Experts (A2K4) of the South Sumatra region which has been involved in various training and certification activities in various fields of construction work. The form of training is tutorial, provide insights on the rules underlying the demands of competency standards at the intended job position, provide technical knowledge about the work implementation process, and at the end of the activity, participants are given questions to find out the level of understanding of knowledge. The results shows that participants catch the knowledge well, marked by the high percentage of participants who answer the post test well.
Ditjen Bina Konstruksi, 2013. Materi Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi : Melaksanakan Pekerjaan Struktur, Kementerian Pekerjaan PU, Jakarta
Komite Standar Kompetensi, 2015. SKKNI No 205 Tahun 2015, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, Jakarta