
  • Lina Flaviana Tilik
  • B Hidayat Fuady
  • Djaka Suhirkam
  • Suhadi Suhadi
  • Hamdi Hamdi


In this community service, the writer and the team provide training on the completion of a column which is the upper structure. This training was carried out on a building construction project at the Talang Ubi Regional Hospital in Pali district, South Sumatra. The development of this hospital includes the construction of the lower structure to the upper structure. The partner who helped carry out the training was PT. Pilar Mas Perkasa which is engaged as an executive contractor. From the results of this dedication activity, our dedication team has a target to be achieved, namely to provide training on the work of mounting column reinforcement iron, namely how to bend the reinforcement in the column, fixing the correct column accompanied by installing formwork for the column. The method used in carrying out this activity is direct observation in the field, namely the Talang Ubi Regional Hospital in Pali district. This training activity by giving guidance to the handyman and field supervisor. The directions given include checking the reinforcement used must be in accordance with the work contract, tools used to make hooks on the reinforcement, K3 used by builders and field supervisors. From the training in the installation of reinforcing steel columns at the Talang Ubi Regional Hospital in Pali district, as follows the installation of reinforcing iron in column work must pay attention to the hooks in each reinforcement bar, the bending of the reinforcing iron must also be carried out according to the procedure, which must be done before assembly, cutting concrete steel cannot be carried out carelessly, make sure the concrete iron (plain or threaded) has a standard length of 12 meters and its diameter must also be in accordance with needs, bending tools must be in accordance with the diameter of the iron, especially the size of the bending gap.


Badan Standar Nasional, 2013. SNI-2847-2013 Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung, BSN, Jakarta
Badan Standar Nasional, 2014. SNI-2052-2014 Baja Tulangan Beton, BSN, Jakarta
Istimawan Dipohusodo, 1991, Struktur Beton Bertulang Berdasarkan SK SNI T-15-1991-03, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum
Puslitbang Pemukiman, 1982, Persyaratan Umum Bahan Bangunan di Indonesia
(PUBI-1982), Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemukiman, Bandung





